Everyone -
I know you are thinking - "has Myrna completely lost it and thinks it is Tuesday again already?" Well even though I couldn't get to sleep until 2:30 because it was 98 degrees in my house I am not that crazy. As I mentioned in my last update. Kent and I are going to take Tues. and Wed. next week off and be gone Sun.-Wed. I don't know whether we will have email so wanted to just send you a quick little note about a wonderful day we had this week. Those of you on facebook will have heard some of this.
When the ARC is open we have shower days for women and children one day and for men one day. Since we have been closed of course there has been no opportunity to do that. Recently Tasha found out from a couple of our women friends that they had not showered in a couple of weeks because there are so many people living in their house that they can not get in to the bathroom for long enough even for a quick cold shower. I decided to open my home for a women's shower day. On Thursday we invited 5 Afghan women and 11 of their children to come for showers, food and fellowship. When the women got there of course even though it was almost 100 degrees out they had on long sleeves and head scarves. The head scarves came off first. I was wearing a tank top - something I would never do at the ARC so said "Here you don't wear scarves and we don't wear sleeves. One of the older women stood up and took off her long sleeved shirt and just had on a sleeveless top underneath. Soon all the women taken off their long sleeves and shoes and were relaxing on the balcony talking and laughing. Several women on our team had crafts and coloring for the kids and my toy box was soon emptied onto the living room floor. The women and children took turns taking showers and I did laundry for a couple of the women in between. We snacked on fresh fruit from the laiki and homemade cookies. Late in the day I got out a huge Greek Salad I had made that morning and we ordered souvlaki. After we ate the kids sat quietly watching a video and a few of the little ones napped. The women sat around talking more quietly and were the picture of relaxation. It was truly wonderful to be a part of.
After the women left Tasha and "Z" stayed behind so "Z" could skype her sister in Australia. The twin (2 year old girls) were tired and restless. They wandered out on the porch and discovered a bucket half full of water. At first they just swished their hands around. Then the started splashing each other and giggling. It finally ended up with us giving them cups and they and everything on my balcony were soaked. They were having such fun and it was the perfect ending to a special day. I am attaching a couple of pictures.
The next day as I swept and mopped floors and wiped up sticky hand prints I was once again thankful for the house the Lord has provided for us through you. If it were not for your faithful support we would not be able to do the kinds of things we do for refugees or for the team. Thank you SO much. You are truly a blessing to us and to those we are here to serve. We love you all.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To Support:
Online go to: www.iteams.org/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}