Time is flying by and we will be flying back to the States before you know it. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and are enjoying the holiday. We had our Thanksgiving dinner with the team on Monday because it is our day off. We gathered at the Dirrim's home. We had to cook three turkeys because the largest one I could find was a little over 8 pounds and I had to go to two stores to find that! There were babies, kids and lots of women bumping into each other in the kitchen. There was laughter, loads of food and a man doing the dishes! (Thanks Kenn) I am always blessed when we gather as a team. Even though my family is far away, God has given me a wonderful family here.
It was a good week. Recently we went from having men's showers to having a meal and gospel outreach for single men. It was a hard decision but we were giving 60 men a shower and 40 more were turned away. We decided that by opening for a meal we could serve 120 and at least do something for more people. It has been a good thing for the men on our team because instead of just running people through the shower they get a chance to sit down and talk with the refugee men. "S" is an Afghan young man I wrote about in a previous update. Kent has spent time with him as have some others on the team. He has been very sad and frustrated with being stuck here but has been coming to the ARC and had taken a bible and other literature with him to read while he is in the park since he doesn't have a house. Last week he sent a text message to Nader our Iranian team mate saying "I have become a Christian and am ready for baptism". Nader told him to come in the next Friday so they could talk. On Friday Kent and Nader and some of the other men spent time talking and praying with him. He told them "In Islam I felt like there was a path to God and I started down the path but then I was just going in a circle. I was praying and trying to follow Islam but I wasn't getting any closer to God. Now I have joy in my heart because I feel very close to God". This is a man who called Kent crying a few weeks ago because he was so depressed about his situation! "S" also said "I think it is like if I want to go to America. I can try and try but I cannot get across the ocean by myself. I need an airplane to carry me over the ocean. Jesus is like the airplane that carries us to God when we can't get there by ourselves." Please pray for "S" and for several other young men who are very interested.
On Wednesday we decorated the ARC for Christmas. We put up 10 Christmas trees, hung stars from the ceiling, draped a huge garland across the front of the room and put up lights. I know the kids will be excited when they come in and see it. We will have our first Christmas party next Wednesday. It is a kids party and I have been working on puppets (see attached picture). As you can see by their faces all the puppets are very excited about being in the show! :} I am also making a costume for myself. I will wait until the day of the party to take a picture of that because I don't want to ruin the surprise but let's just say I will look VERY festive.
Tomorrow we welcome a short term team from Nebraska. They will be here for 11 days and help out with several of our Christmas parties.
I have a couple of prayer requests. One is that we would stay healthy through these next weeks and get all the things accomplished that we need to do before we leave. Pray that God will bring to our minds any things that we need to gather for our paperwork or take care of here before going. We are particularly concerned about our FBI background check. We need to have new fingerprints taken for that and have tried everything to get them taken here but cannot. We will have them taken as soon as we arrive in the states but that will only be about 2 1/2 weeks before we need the results and the Christmas and New Year's holidays fall in that two weeks. They say it can take up to 12 weeks to get the report back and that would be a big problem for us. Last time we got them back in only a couple of weeks so please be praying that they will come quickly.
I thought about listing all the things I am thankful for during this season but decided it would take too long. If I HAD made a list YOU would be on it. We are VERY thankful for all of you who support us with prayer, notes of encouragement and financially. We look forward to seeing many of you in the New Year.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To Support:
Online go to: www.iteams.org/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}