Giving. I've been thinking about this quite a bit lately. There was a spirited exchange recently on Facebook over giving a homeless man in McDonalds a dollar. Several people felt you should always give, several felt you can't give to everyone so it was all right to choose to give somewhere else. Then people started sharing ways that they give - donating their old sleeping bags to the homeless etc. And I thought about the verses I recently read again. Luke 21:1-4 "And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury. And He saw a poor widow putting in two small copper coins. And He said, 'Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all of them; for they all out of their surplus put into the offering; but she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on.'" I was thinking about how Kent and I have a "special fund" - some money we set aside from our income each month to use for special needs for refugees that are outside of what we normally do. Some of the things we have used it for was to buy a refigerator for a single refugee mom with 4 children and to help pay the electricity for another refugee family so they would not have their heat turned off. We bought a small cookstove for another friend and paid for some medicine for another. I'm glad we are able to do these things. We picked the amount to put into the fund by cutting a bit here and a bit there. It might mean we don't eat out too often or buy some of the little extras but it is definitely out of our surplus. We live in a nice home, pay our bills on time and have plenty to eat. In contrast I watch how the refugees share with one another. Mothers who have very little for their own children will divide the bread they have and give to the other children around them. "E" a lady who has been here a long time and would be considered more your typical "bag lady" comes in and she almost always reaches into her bag to give small bits of food and even sometimes a few coins to families with small children. People who have walked across the street to get the free meal handed out in the park share with others who didn't go down. If I am sitting nearby they always offer to share with me as well before they start eating. I am humbled in the face of such sacrificial giving. I pat myself on the back because I got new shoes so I donated my old ones. It never occurs to me to wear my old shoes and buy a pair of new ones to donate. I think this will always be a tension in my life, especially when I am faced daily with those in need, while I have been given much. Pray that we will be sensitive to God's leading in when and how to give. Thank you to those of you who give to us in order that we can in turn give to others.
Many people have been seeing on the news lately pictures of the rioting in the center of Athens. It has been pretty bad the last couple of days because the government is signing into effect the next austerity measures so that Greece can get the next installment of money to stay solvent. People are angry over losing jobs and taking cuts. Many people who have been supporting the work here are now finding themselves in deep financial trouble some even going bankrupt. Most of the people protesting just want to be heard but there is a violent element that seizes this opportunity to riot. Yesterday Kent was riding the motor bike in to a leadership meeting. He had our team mate Christy on behind. They got caught in traffic and suddenly were in the middle of a protest that turned into people shouting and throwing things at the police. The police retailiated by setting off the tear gas cannon just accross the street from where Kent and Christy were. Christy had her wind visor down but Kent had his up and just had his sunglasses on. They got hit by the gas and Kent just had to stop in the middle of traffic for a minute until he could open one eye enough to steer to the side of the road and wash his eyes out. In retrospect they should have know better than to ride through that part of town on a day when there were protests but hindsight is always better than forsight and definitely better than sight with tear gas in your eyes! For the most part we are not affected too much by the riots since we usually know ahead of time when and where protests will be held and can avoid those areas. The transportation strikes are more of an issue. There was a two day bus strike which meant that we had to cancel a beach day we had planned for refugees because we had no way to get them to the beach. After today things should settle down because the voting will be over until the next installment of the loan is due. Please pray for your Greek brothers and sisters as the problems are far from over. Also pray for refugees. As the economic situation worsens there is an increasing racial tension sometimes spilling over into violence against refugees. There are no easy answers for the problems facing this country and for the many refugees who have come here thinking they will find safety and a better life.
We continue to minister to a full crowd at the ARC. We have a waiting list of over 60 names to get tickets for one of our Tuesday meals. In August many refugees will try to leave hoping to be unnoticed among the crowds of tourists and Greeks going on holiday. That usually translates into smaller numbers at the ARC but new people seem to be coming in as fast as people leave. Our Saturday Bible class after tea house has grown. We started the first week with 5 men and Scott, Nader, Kent and I. This week there were 20 men and 1 woman as well as the four of us. We are reading the book of John and allowing them to ask questions. After two hours of questions and answers Scott said we were finished for the day. Many protested that they still had questions but we told them to feel free to ask at another time or save them for the following week. It is wonderful to see the mix of believers and seekers studying together. Pray for Nader as he translates and for the rest of us as we try to lead the discussion. It is good to see that many times answers come from other Persian believers rather than them waiting for one of us to answer.
Thanks to all of you who hold us up in prayer. Kent has been very busy recently as our team leader is still in the US following the death of his father in law. Kent has been standing in the gap doing his job and Brett's until they will return on the 11th of July. I have still been having some health issues - I was home on the couch Tuesday with pain in my back, one knee is also acting up quite a bit so I have been kind of grumpy and limping around. I am so thankful for my understanding husband. We love all of you and think of you often. Thanks to those of you who keep in touch either by email or via facebook - it makes us feel so much more connected.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To Support:
Online go to: www.iteams.org/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a
one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Morley Update 2011 #18
Last night was a night of celebration. My house was filled with team members (21 of us)for a team fellowship. We spend an hour sharing the ways we had seen God work at the two summer camps we participated in.
Kenn shared that at the men's camp during one of the discussion times a man raised his hand and said "You are all beating around the bush asking all kinds of questions but my question is: What do I need to do to follow Jesus?"
Tasha told of a family who came to family camp. This is a large family and frankly kindof trouble makers. True to form they were at the center of arguments and disagreements at the camp and they were disruptive in the discussion groups. The last day there was a change. They began to ask questions that were well thought out and seemed sincere. One of them spoke for the whole family and apologized for things they had done that had been disruptive or hurtful. Their whole demeanor underwent a change. Please pray for this family that they continue down this path.
This same family has a son who was in the children's program. He is not a bad boy but he has been constantly told by his family that he is a mistake and not wanted. Because of this he acts out and can be very hard to control. The children's leaders said that when they knew he would be at camp they were somewhat dismayed and wondered how it would go. However, God had a plan. We have a intern with us right now who told us when she came that she really wasn't too comfortable with children and would rather not serve in that area. Guess who's heart God filled with love for this little boy? Nicola took him on as her special friend. Like a plant that's been left in the sun too long, this little boy was so thirsty for love. Nicola gently watered his little soul. She sat with him, gave him loving touches and chased him and brought him giggling back when he ran away She was Jesus to this little child and she showed him how precious and loved he really is.
My team mate Susie lead the singing at camp where they sang worship songs in Farsi. She said one day she saw a woman rocking her baby and singing one of the songs as a lullaby. Another team mate told how the men at family camp didn't join in during the singing(maybe it was not considered manly) but that during one of the kids songs which is fun and filled with actions, she noticed one man really following along. At one point he was so caught up in it that he started to raise his hands like the kids were doing and then caught himself and quickly put them back down and looked around to see if anyone noticed.
At the end of camp several refugees shared their stories and quite a few people indicated that they wanted to learn more about Jesus. Our Saturday Bible class after tea house is growing. Last week at least one new family who had been at camp was there and several new men have joined as well. Pray with us that God will open eyes to His truth.
Our interns, Emily and Lauren shared about an English class they have started for young women. The first week several younger brothers and sisters came along so they gave them coloring pages to do during the class. This week Heather (who will be joining our team full time next year) went along. She intended to just play with the children but they said no they wanted a class too. So instead of coloring she began teaching them the alphabet and numbers. She said she was amazed that after an hour they were still engaged and wanting to learn. As always these classes are as much about developing relationships as they are about teaching English.
Along with the joys we shared some sorrows too. Shep (Heather's fiancee who will also be joining the team next year following their marriage) is doing a Bible Study and spending time with "H" a young Afghan man who recently became a Christian. He said that "H" is very discouraged right now and sees no way out of his circumstances. He has no work and cannot go to school. He has tried to leave the country several times but has always been caught and sent back. He is losing hope of a better life. This is the situation for so many here - no homes, no jobs, no education for the children. Please continue to pray for the many people caught in this quagmire of disappointment and discouragement. Sometimes it seems like we can do so little to help.
I have been asking you to pray for our team leader and his family following his father-in-laws recent stroke. Brett and Kristin are home in the US right now and were able to say goodbye before Kristin's father went home to be with the Lord earlier this week. Please pray for the family as they deal with their loss and have a memorial service this Friday.
Our dear partners in this work, I want to close with Hebrews 13:20-21 "May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant, brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen"
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To Support:
Online go to: www.iteams.org/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}
Last night was a night of celebration. My house was filled with team members (21 of us)for a team fellowship. We spend an hour sharing the ways we had seen God work at the two summer camps we participated in.
Kenn shared that at the men's camp during one of the discussion times a man raised his hand and said "You are all beating around the bush asking all kinds of questions but my question is: What do I need to do to follow Jesus?"
Tasha told of a family who came to family camp. This is a large family and frankly kindof trouble makers. True to form they were at the center of arguments and disagreements at the camp and they were disruptive in the discussion groups. The last day there was a change. They began to ask questions that were well thought out and seemed sincere. One of them spoke for the whole family and apologized for things they had done that had been disruptive or hurtful. Their whole demeanor underwent a change. Please pray for this family that they continue down this path.
This same family has a son who was in the children's program. He is not a bad boy but he has been constantly told by his family that he is a mistake and not wanted. Because of this he acts out and can be very hard to control. The children's leaders said that when they knew he would be at camp they were somewhat dismayed and wondered how it would go. However, God had a plan. We have a intern with us right now who told us when she came that she really wasn't too comfortable with children and would rather not serve in that area. Guess who's heart God filled with love for this little boy? Nicola took him on as her special friend. Like a plant that's been left in the sun too long, this little boy was so thirsty for love. Nicola gently watered his little soul. She sat with him, gave him loving touches and chased him and brought him giggling back when he ran away She was Jesus to this little child and she showed him how precious and loved he really is.
My team mate Susie lead the singing at camp where they sang worship songs in Farsi. She said one day she saw a woman rocking her baby and singing one of the songs as a lullaby. Another team mate told how the men at family camp didn't join in during the singing(maybe it was not considered manly) but that during one of the kids songs which is fun and filled with actions, she noticed one man really following along. At one point he was so caught up in it that he started to raise his hands like the kids were doing and then caught himself and quickly put them back down and looked around to see if anyone noticed.
At the end of camp several refugees shared their stories and quite a few people indicated that they wanted to learn more about Jesus. Our Saturday Bible class after tea house is growing. Last week at least one new family who had been at camp was there and several new men have joined as well. Pray with us that God will open eyes to His truth.
Our interns, Emily and Lauren shared about an English class they have started for young women. The first week several younger brothers and sisters came along so they gave them coloring pages to do during the class. This week Heather (who will be joining our team full time next year) went along. She intended to just play with the children but they said no they wanted a class too. So instead of coloring she began teaching them the alphabet and numbers. She said she was amazed that after an hour they were still engaged and wanting to learn. As always these classes are as much about developing relationships as they are about teaching English.
Along with the joys we shared some sorrows too. Shep (Heather's fiancee who will also be joining the team next year following their marriage) is doing a Bible Study and spending time with "H" a young Afghan man who recently became a Christian. He said that "H" is very discouraged right now and sees no way out of his circumstances. He has no work and cannot go to school. He has tried to leave the country several times but has always been caught and sent back. He is losing hope of a better life. This is the situation for so many here - no homes, no jobs, no education for the children. Please continue to pray for the many people caught in this quagmire of disappointment and discouragement. Sometimes it seems like we can do so little to help.
I have been asking you to pray for our team leader and his family following his father-in-laws recent stroke. Brett and Kristin are home in the US right now and were able to say goodbye before Kristin's father went home to be with the Lord earlier this week. Please pray for the family as they deal with their loss and have a memorial service this Friday.
Our dear partners in this work, I want to close with Hebrews 13:20-21 "May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant, brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen"
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To Support:
Online go to: www.iteams.org/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Morley Update 2011 #17
Several people have asked about the recent rioting in Greece. Greeks are very unhappy right now about the austerity measures and demonstrations happen weekly sometimes daily. Often these demonstrations can get out of hand as happened on Wednesday. We usually know in advance when something like this is planned and avoid the downtown area. We had planned a prayer day for Wednesday but since the demonstrations coincided with our time decided not to meet downtown. Since there were also some transportation strikes that day we did something a little different than our usual corporate prayer day. I was in charge of prayer day this month and I made up a prayer guide for everyone to do on their own. It required an hour to two hours to complete and I asked everyone to be committed to spending that time. It was a blessing for me and for several others on the team in several ways. It seems like everyone right now is feeling a bit stressed and overextended. This week almost all the women on the team are at family camp so we are short handed. Several people have other issues that add to the stress. Our team leader and his wife have gone back to the USA for a month because Kristin's father is not expected to recover from the stroke he had recently. Please uphold them in prayer. Kent
is the team leader while Brett is gone and we were in the midst of finishing up our resident permit papers (praise the Lord we got it done today!) plus we have had quite a few people in and out of the house with two interns staying with us and a short term team here. Ilir and Kate (Ilir is also on the leadership team) are in the process of moving and all the stress and time that goes along with that. Michalis and Ritsa are trying to finish a remodel on their house plus they are attending a mission conference this week and still raising their support. Nader's wife Ella is in the Philippines to help her children for a while and Nader came down with food poisoning and was very ill over the weekend. Scott and Vic are trying to get some official paperwork done so they can hopefully register Ellie in a special school and on and on. As you can see this team is running of fumes right now so we are very grateful for your prayers that uphold us. I can't speak for the rest of the team but it was VERY good for me to spend some quiet time with the Lord on Wednesday morning.
I mentioned that Kent was serving as team leader during Brett's absence. There has been a change in leadership and for the time being Brett and Kent are co-leaders. Brett is continuing to handle the day to day ministry side of things and Kent is in charge of team life and serves as the team pastor. Our Greek board of Helping Hands is actively seeking a new director to handle the day to day side of things and when this happens Brett will step out of leadership and Kent will become the International Teams Team Leader . For the moment little has changed because Kent was already fulfilling this role of team pastor. We will take the rest step by step as the Lord provides and would ask you to be praying with us that the right director will be found at the right time.
Kent had a good week at camp. He deepened relationships with a couple guys he already knew and formed some new ones. He is continuing to help teach the new believers class on Tuesday nights and the seekers/believers class on Saturday afternoons.
I realize that this letter is a bit long on prayer needs and short on exciting stories but sometimes that is what ministry is all about. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Galatians 6:9 Thank you for being our partners in this work, we truly could not do it without you.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To Support:
Online go to: www.iteams.org/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}
Several people have asked about the recent rioting in Greece. Greeks are very unhappy right now about the austerity measures and demonstrations happen weekly sometimes daily. Often these demonstrations can get out of hand as happened on Wednesday. We usually know in advance when something like this is planned and avoid the downtown area. We had planned a prayer day for Wednesday but since the demonstrations coincided with our time decided not to meet downtown. Since there were also some transportation strikes that day we did something a little different than our usual corporate prayer day. I was in charge of prayer day this month and I made up a prayer guide for everyone to do on their own. It required an hour to two hours to complete and I asked everyone to be committed to spending that time. It was a blessing for me and for several others on the team in several ways. It seems like everyone right now is feeling a bit stressed and overextended. This week almost all the women on the team are at family camp so we are short handed. Several people have other issues that add to the stress. Our team leader and his wife have gone back to the USA for a month because Kristin's father is not expected to recover from the stroke he had recently. Please uphold them in prayer. Kent
is the team leader while Brett is gone and we were in the midst of finishing up our resident permit papers (praise the Lord we got it done today!) plus we have had quite a few people in and out of the house with two interns staying with us and a short term team here. Ilir and Kate (Ilir is also on the leadership team) are in the process of moving and all the stress and time that goes along with that. Michalis and Ritsa are trying to finish a remodel on their house plus they are attending a mission conference this week and still raising their support. Nader's wife Ella is in the Philippines to help her children for a while and Nader came down with food poisoning and was very ill over the weekend. Scott and Vic are trying to get some official paperwork done so they can hopefully register Ellie in a special school and on and on. As you can see this team is running of fumes right now so we are very grateful for your prayers that uphold us. I can't speak for the rest of the team but it was VERY good for me to spend some quiet time with the Lord on Wednesday morning.
I mentioned that Kent was serving as team leader during Brett's absence. There has been a change in leadership and for the time being Brett and Kent are co-leaders. Brett is continuing to handle the day to day ministry side of things and Kent is in charge of team life and serves as the team pastor. Our Greek board of Helping Hands is actively seeking a new director to handle the day to day side of things and when this happens Brett will step out of leadership and Kent will become the International Teams Team Leader . For the moment little has changed because Kent was already fulfilling this role of team pastor. We will take the rest step by step as the Lord provides and would ask you to be praying with us that the right director will be found at the right time.
Kent had a good week at camp. He deepened relationships with a couple guys he already knew and formed some new ones. He is continuing to help teach the new believers class on Tuesday nights and the seekers/believers class on Saturday afternoons.
I realize that this letter is a bit long on prayer needs and short on exciting stories but sometimes that is what ministry is all about. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Galatians 6:9 Thank you for being our partners in this work, we truly could not do it without you.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To Support:
Online go to: www.iteams.org/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Morley Update 2011 #16
It seems that my life lately has consisted of trips to the airport (three in the last week and a half) and doing orientations. We have another team coming in tomorrow so it's back to the airport. I feel like my brain is very full with trying to remember everyone's details and make sure nothing falls through the cracks. (The cracks are getting wider every day!)
Saturday after tea house we started the discussion group for new believers and seekers. We are going through the book of John. Scott, Kent and Nader are leading, I am sitting in. Last week it was 7 men and me. We expect several more to join that didn't make it that day. After we were finished a man came in and said to Nader "Oh, I came for the class about Jesus". Nader had never seen him before and asked how he knew about it. He said some friends told him about it. Nader gave him a ticket to come to the men's Farsi Speaking Outreach for Friday and told him what time to come for class the next week. He asked the man if he wanted a Farsi Bible and the man happily accepted. God is at work. By the time we cleaned up and left we didn't get home until 8pm which made for a long day.
Sunday we got home from church and Kent packed his things and left for a week at Men's camp. I have spoken with him a couple of time and it is going well. Two of the men in the seekers class (one of whom Kent meets with regularly for English) are there and he has met a couple of other men he enjoys. This is a great chance to get men out of the city for relationship building and relaxation plus they are involved in discussion groups about the bible. Kent said there were about 40 refugee men there.
Tuesday we got our third intern, Lauren, also a Moody student. She is staying with us as well and Emily has been a big help showing her around the neighborhood and how to ride the bus and metro. They have both jumped right in to ministry and are starting an English class for young women on Friday. They are also both interested in doing some wordless drama so we are going to work on that some this next week or
Wednesday was Kent and my 38th anniversary. I believe this is the first one we haven't celebrated together. However our celebrations are usually pretty low key - for our 20th we had chili dogs at 7-11. I think we will try to spend the day together on Monday. It seems like we have just been passing each other in the hall lately with so many people coming and going and such a hectic schedule.
Please pray for us that we don't get so caught up in the "busyness" that we forget to be about our Father's "business".
I wanted to tell you about one other thing. International Teams has release a new CD called Songs for the Oppressed. If you would like to buy either a CD or download you can use the link here and $5 of the purchase price will go into Kent and my ministry account. https://wwws.iteams.org/songs?ap_id=US1425 Enjoy.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To Support:
Online go to: www.iteams.org/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a
one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}
It seems that my life lately has consisted of trips to the airport (three in the last week and a half) and doing orientations. We have another team coming in tomorrow so it's back to the airport. I feel like my brain is very full with trying to remember everyone's details and make sure nothing falls through the cracks. (The cracks are getting wider every day!)
Saturday after tea house we started the discussion group for new believers and seekers. We are going through the book of John. Scott, Kent and Nader are leading, I am sitting in. Last week it was 7 men and me. We expect several more to join that didn't make it that day. After we were finished a man came in and said to Nader "Oh, I came for the class about Jesus". Nader had never seen him before and asked how he knew about it. He said some friends told him about it. Nader gave him a ticket to come to the men's Farsi Speaking Outreach for Friday and told him what time to come for class the next week. He asked the man if he wanted a Farsi Bible and the man happily accepted. God is at work. By the time we cleaned up and left we didn't get home until 8pm which made for a long day.
Sunday we got home from church and Kent packed his things and left for a week at Men's camp. I have spoken with him a couple of time and it is going well. Two of the men in the seekers class (one of whom Kent meets with regularly for English) are there and he has met a couple of other men he enjoys. This is a great chance to get men out of the city for relationship building and relaxation plus they are involved in discussion groups about the bible. Kent said there were about 40 refugee men there.
Tuesday we got our third intern, Lauren, also a Moody student. She is staying with us as well and Emily has been a big help showing her around the neighborhood and how to ride the bus and metro. They have both jumped right in to ministry and are starting an English class for young women on Friday. They are also both interested in doing some wordless drama so we are going to work on that some this next week or
Wednesday was Kent and my 38th anniversary. I believe this is the first one we haven't celebrated together. However our celebrations are usually pretty low key - for our 20th we had chili dogs at 7-11. I think we will try to spend the day together on Monday. It seems like we have just been passing each other in the hall lately with so many people coming and going and such a hectic schedule.
Please pray for us that we don't get so caught up in the "busyness" that we forget to be about our Father's "business".
I wanted to tell you about one other thing. International Teams has release a new CD called Songs for the Oppressed. If you would like to buy either a CD or download you can use the link here and $5 of the purchase price will go into Kent and my ministry account. https://wwws.iteams.org/songs?ap_id=US1425 Enjoy.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To Support:
Online go to: www.iteams.org/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a
one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Morley Update 2011 #15
I am not feeling very creative today and have a VERY busy few weeks ahead so this will be short and hopefully sweet. Saturday I worked in the kids room. I am finding that I am picking up more and more Farsi words which is a big help. Late in the day when most of the kids had gone "N" and her children came in. They are a nice family with 2 boys and 2 girls and speak pretty good English. You may remember I wrote about their youngest who is about 5. She was hit by a car and broke her leg quite severely. At the hospital they put her in a cast from foot to hip and after a couple of days sent her "home". They were living in the park with nowhere to lay her comfortably or to elevate her leg. They would bring her in to the ARC in a small umbrella stroller which did not give her any support. Amazingly her leg has healed completely and it is a joy to see her running and jumping like any child. On this day "N" had been across the street to get food. At 3pm and 6pm there is a group that passes out packaged hot food in the park across from us. When they first started it was a near riot with people pushing and shoving and fighting to get in the gate. Now they have a system that looks a bit like pictures you see of herding cattle into chutes in the wild west. They have ropes set up and the mass of people are herded through and as the path narrows they are handed their sack of food and moved along. It actually works well but there is no place for them to sit and eat or rest. Since we are open from 12-4 many people leave at 3 to get food and come back upstairs to eat it. Today the food was a dish of rice and cabbage. It didn't look bad but it didn't look particularly good either. "N's" boy who is about 10 shoveled his in quickly making sure to get every grain of rice. He asked for more but his mom told him no. The oldest girl tasted hers and obviously didn't like it very well but picked out the cabbage and ate the rest. The youngest girl took a few bites and then as 5 years old will do was more interested in running around. She would run off and then back to her mother who would shove a bite in her mouth and then off she would go again - amazingly she finished most of her dish. "N" ate the cabbage left from her older daughte'sr bowl and saved the other packages to take home. She said "it is very hard, this food is not good (she meant nutritious). My older son is hungry all the time. We have not had meat in months and at times we have gone for over a week with nothing." They live in a "house" with a little water but no electricity. I asked if she had a way to cook and she said "I have a small burner but it is not good for cooking much". They tried to leave Greece a little over a month ago but were caught and sent back after a pretty traumatic boat trip. I can tell that she is very discouraged. I hope to find a chance to have their family over for dinner soon. Please pray for them.
Kent is still meeting regularly with one guy for English and has met several other men he enjoys talking too. He is still co-teaching the New Believers class and is helping to start a discussion group on John for believers and seekers after Tea House on Saturdays. He preached for the Farsi outreach on Tuesday with Nader translating and will do so again on Friday.
We have quite a few people coming to help at work right now. We are getting more Greek volunteers and also people coming for short term missions work. Heather and Chris, who are an engaged couple planning to come full time in a year, arrived on Monday for the summer. Kent and I will be meeting with them regularly to do some marriage stuff and just seeing how they are doing. On Tuesday we welcomed Emily an intern from Moody Bible Institute who will be staying with us and serving here for the next 6 weeks. Today I need to get my laiki shopping done and then head to the airport to pick up Nicola an English University Student who will be staying with Tasha and Christy and serving for 3 1/2 weeks. Next Tuesday we get another Moody intern Lauren who will also be staying with us for 6 weeks. We also have a team coming in on the 10th to help with our family camp so we will have a guy on our couch for a few days. In between all this Kent and I are having our lung xrays and finishing up the things we need to do to get our resident permit again plus our year end taxes for Greece etc. CRAZY!
In the midst of the craziness we see God's hand at work. While we were home some of you heard Kent preach about the man who came to Jesus in a FIAT. He demonstrated how a man on a stretcher could not come to Jesus alone but needed to be carried by a FIAT (Faith In Action Team). We are so thankful that those of you who support us financially and in prayer are holding the other corners of the stretcher. We could not do it without you. We love you all.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To Support:
Online go to: www.iteams.org/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a
one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}
I am not feeling very creative today and have a VERY busy few weeks ahead so this will be short and hopefully sweet. Saturday I worked in the kids room. I am finding that I am picking up more and more Farsi words which is a big help. Late in the day when most of the kids had gone "N" and her children came in. They are a nice family with 2 boys and 2 girls and speak pretty good English. You may remember I wrote about their youngest who is about 5. She was hit by a car and broke her leg quite severely. At the hospital they put her in a cast from foot to hip and after a couple of days sent her "home". They were living in the park with nowhere to lay her comfortably or to elevate her leg. They would bring her in to the ARC in a small umbrella stroller which did not give her any support. Amazingly her leg has healed completely and it is a joy to see her running and jumping like any child. On this day "N" had been across the street to get food. At 3pm and 6pm there is a group that passes out packaged hot food in the park across from us. When they first started it was a near riot with people pushing and shoving and fighting to get in the gate. Now they have a system that looks a bit like pictures you see of herding cattle into chutes in the wild west. They have ropes set up and the mass of people are herded through and as the path narrows they are handed their sack of food and moved along. It actually works well but there is no place for them to sit and eat or rest. Since we are open from 12-4 many people leave at 3 to get food and come back upstairs to eat it. Today the food was a dish of rice and cabbage. It didn't look bad but it didn't look particularly good either. "N's" boy who is about 10 shoveled his in quickly making sure to get every grain of rice. He asked for more but his mom told him no. The oldest girl tasted hers and obviously didn't like it very well but picked out the cabbage and ate the rest. The youngest girl took a few bites and then as 5 years old will do was more interested in running around. She would run off and then back to her mother who would shove a bite in her mouth and then off she would go again - amazingly she finished most of her dish. "N" ate the cabbage left from her older daughte'sr bowl and saved the other packages to take home. She said "it is very hard, this food is not good (she meant nutritious). My older son is hungry all the time. We have not had meat in months and at times we have gone for over a week with nothing." They live in a "house" with a little water but no electricity. I asked if she had a way to cook and she said "I have a small burner but it is not good for cooking much". They tried to leave Greece a little over a month ago but were caught and sent back after a pretty traumatic boat trip. I can tell that she is very discouraged. I hope to find a chance to have their family over for dinner soon. Please pray for them.
Kent is still meeting regularly with one guy for English and has met several other men he enjoys talking too. He is still co-teaching the New Believers class and is helping to start a discussion group on John for believers and seekers after Tea House on Saturdays. He preached for the Farsi outreach on Tuesday with Nader translating and will do so again on Friday.
We have quite a few people coming to help at work right now. We are getting more Greek volunteers and also people coming for short term missions work. Heather and Chris, who are an engaged couple planning to come full time in a year, arrived on Monday for the summer. Kent and I will be meeting with them regularly to do some marriage stuff and just seeing how they are doing. On Tuesday we welcomed Emily an intern from Moody Bible Institute who will be staying with us and serving here for the next 6 weeks. Today I need to get my laiki shopping done and then head to the airport to pick up Nicola an English University Student who will be staying with Tasha and Christy and serving for 3 1/2 weeks. Next Tuesday we get another Moody intern Lauren who will also be staying with us for 6 weeks. We also have a team coming in on the 10th to help with our family camp so we will have a guy on our couch for a few days. In between all this Kent and I are having our lung xrays and finishing up the things we need to do to get our resident permit again plus our year end taxes for Greece etc. CRAZY!
In the midst of the craziness we see God's hand at work. While we were home some of you heard Kent preach about the man who came to Jesus in a FIAT. He demonstrated how a man on a stretcher could not come to Jesus alone but needed to be carried by a FIAT (Faith In Action Team). We are so thankful that those of you who support us financially and in prayer are holding the other corners of the stretcher. We could not do it without you. We love you all.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To Support:
Online go to: www.iteams.org/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a
one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}
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