Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Very Short Health Update
I had my scans and blood work on Monday. My doctor was leaving on vacation so I was supposed to call in the next day and talk to whoever was covering for her. At 9pm my phone rang and it was my doctor. She said "I apologize for calling so late but I'm leaving in the morning and wanted to talk to you first about your scans." I thought "UH OH this can't be good" Then she said, "I didn't want you worrying because everything looks so great." WHEW! I had been a bit worried because my legs have been swelling and my eyesight in my good eye has been VERY blurred. I have also had a lot of pressure on the side where they did the kidney surgery. Anyway, the doctor said that the mass in my lung was a tiny bit smaller (not as much as she would have liked but at least not bigger), my kidney masses were the same or smaller, my blood work was GREAT. My inflammation counts were down to normal. My Anka count was down, my kidney functions were good, my hemoglobin was good, liver good, etc etc. She said all the symptoms I have been having were most likely from the prednisone and since I was doing SO well she would go ahead and drop again early to see if that would help. Kent and I are both very relieved and feel like we are on the right track - I see the doctor on Sept. 8th but I'm sure she will okay my going to Greece for the retreat and to close up the house. Thank you for praying.
Love, Myrna
Friday, August 22, 2014
Very Important Update
It is with a sad and yet peaceful heart that we want to inform you that we have made the decision to transition back to the USA and leave behind the work in Greece. As you know we have been wrestling with this decision for some time because of our love for the refugees and the work there. However, in talking with my doctor and due to the uncertainties of this disease as well as the needed ongoing treatment we feel I need to be here. I am also finding it much more difficult adjusting to the blindness in my eye than I expected, partly because the high doses of prednisone are making my good eye so blurry that I am finding it hard to do many things on my own. Having Kent gone right now for extended periods would be very difficult. We never expected when we uprooted our lives that we would only be gone for 6 years and that we would be coming home and looking for work, housing, etc. in our early 60s - not the most optimum time. That said we have NO REGRETS. If there was a magic button that could erase the last 6 years we would never push it. Apart from anything that God might have done THROUGH us in the lives of refugees in the last 6 years, He has done amazing things IN us and we will be forever changed. We are SO grateful to you our extended team for being a part of sending and sustaining us and we hope that you too feel it was all worth it.
SO what does it look like from here. I know these last months have been long and hard for all of us but we would ask you to bear with us a bit longer. I am waiting to hear back from International Teams on the procedure but I believe that they recommend a three month transition period of support to allow returning missionaries to get their feet under them before completely cutting ties. We still have many loose ends and even added expenses before we can settle in here and get on with our lives. We plan to return to Greece at the end of September for a team retreat so that Kent can help with the transferring of leadership. We will then stay on for most of the month of October to close down the house, pack our things, sell or give away what we can't bring, say our goodbyes and arrange for shipping. My doctor has given the okay for me to go barring any surprises with my next appointments. I am having scans of my lung and abdomen on Monday the 25th and blood work as well. We plan to return to Oregon the end of October or first of November.
I will let you know any more details as I have them from International Teams or as we make firmer plans. Right now you can be praying for us that we "finish well". Pray that we can get a chance to say goodbye to our team and our refugee friends in a way that provides closure and doesn't feel like abandonment. Also pray for us as we do all the things that come with making this kind of a move. Pray for my health and stamina through this and for protection from illness as we travel. Pray for God to raise up a new team leader and for the team as they are in this transitional period. Pray for peace for us that God will guide and God will provide. Thanks you so much for standing by us these last years and especially these last months. This is not the way we planned things but God is not surprised nor dismayed by this. I think of the song Blessed be the name of the Lord - He give and takes away, my heart shall choose to say - blessed be the Name of the Lord! We love you all.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
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International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Wedding and Health Update
Everyone -
It was a wonderful, busy, exhausting week filled with family. All of our kids converged on Saturday. Becky and Todd from MA, who stayed with Katie and John. Allison and Dave with Emma and Adam from MA, who rented a house with Kent and I. Ben is already in Eugene and his girlfriend Elin has a son Calvin who immediately became joined at the hip to Adam. Of course Katie and John are also in Eugene. On Sunday we just spent the afternoon at the house we had rented - my parents came over and we just visited and reconnected.
Monday was "Cousin's Day". We met at Detroit lake (Thank you Gaults for the use of your house). There were cousins from the Gibson side of the family and the Morley side of the family, There were 28 of us all together. We swam, played, visited and snacked all afternoon. In the evening we finished up with homemade Mexican food - I fried a LOT of tortillas that night!
On Tuesday I was exhausted so I told Kent I was staying home the whole day - I read, did crossword puzzles and napped. Others played golf, disc golf, shopped, and ran errands. In the evening we all gathered back at our house again and grilled hamburgers.
Wednesday was another errand day with a few things to get ready for the wedding. Kent and some of the family went to the river in the afternoon but I stayed home again since we were taking the grandkids out that night. That night was "Sibling Night" Our kids and John's sisters and brother in law went out to dinner while we took Adam, Emma and Calvin to pizza, miniature golf and the arcade.
Thursday we hiked in to Sweet Creek Falls - this time there were 14 of us our kids and Amanda (Whitney) Perkins. It is an easy 1 mile hike but for this out of shape recovering sickie it was plenty. I took a chair and sat and rested as the crew swam in various little falls along the way. On the hike out we did it without stopping and I was pretty shaky by the time we got to the car. We drove on over to the coast. I walked down the hill to the beach but then they decided to go a different way and by the time I had walked back up I decided to just lie down on a picnic table and rest while they went on down to the beach. Afterwards we had wonderful sea food at the fish market in Yachats.
Friday morning was Spa day for the girls (thank you to my sister Amy) and golf for the guys. Amy arrived from MA the night before and Kent's sister Nadene and her husband Don as well as his Dad arrived from CA. That night we all gathered with John's family at Katie and John's for rehearsal and pizza. It's so fun watching the blending of two families becoming one!
Saturday was a full day of running errands and getting things ready for the wedding. Allison was cooking pulled pork for 100 people at our house so the counters were covered with crock pots filled with simmering meat. We were all too tired to cook so ordered Thai food and I went to bed while the kids were still visiting outside.
Sunday we went to the park in the morning and set up for the wedding. Our friends Roy and Linda Sturtevant stayed at the park to watch over things while we went home and changed. The day was perfect. Katie wanted a dress made from a table cloth her grandmother owned and somehow her Aunt Kathy achieved it even using trim from a pillow case that was made by Katie's great great Aunt Emelia. (See attached pictures) We ate, visited and played. The ceremony was at 4 and by 7 when the band started most people had gone home so by the end of things there was pretty much just our family and a few close friends. Kent danced with his wife, sister, daughters and granddaughter - that night his legs kept us both awake half the night!
Yesterday the troops began to scatter. Becky and Todd and Amy flew back to MA. Nadene, Don and Charles left for CA. Kate and John left for their honeymoon in Yosemite and Kent and I moved to their house to watch the dog and water the plants - we will be here until Saturday. Allison and Dave and the kids fly out today.
Thank you all for praying for me - though I got very tired at times I was SO happy to be a part of things and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I have a lung scan coming up next week, and blood work the following week with a doctor appointment the first part of Sept. I am feeling a bit jittery and have gained about 10 pounds on the prednisone but other than that am doing okay. I am still adjusting to the blindness in my eye - it combined with the deafness in my ear and that fact that they are on opposite sides can make me feel a bit isolated at times especially in a group. Kent and I are looking forward to having some time on our own now that the wedding is over to process everything and make our final decisions about where we go from here. Thank you for standing with us in this process. We love you all.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)
3 Attachments

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