Sunday, November 16, 2014

Morley Update


We are now back on the west coast and trying to settle into our new life whatever that looks like. At this time we are still living in a condo in Portland belonging to our son-in-law's family. We hope to settle in the Eugene area and have begun looking at houses in this area. We are hoping to find a house to buy that needs work and our plan is to fix it up and sell it using the profit to invest in another house. We are hoping to do this as a business perhaps doing 2-3 house a year. We are not sure yet whether we will try to live in the house we are rehabbing or whether we may buy a camp trailer or motor home to live in on site.

As far as my health goes we are just continuing on as planned. I have kept dropping my prednisone dosage and just dropped to 5mg a day. I am hoping that with this lower dose I will be able to shed some of the weight I put on and that perhaps my eyesight in my good eye may clear. My doctor is pleased with my blood levels so we will just keep on until we have another Rituxan treatment in January and then scans of my lungs and kidneys in February. I also saw the ophthalmologist who recommended that I get glasses both to help with my eyesight which he is not sure will clear even with getting off the prednisone and also for protection for my good eye. He said often "monocular" people injure themselves because they lack peripheral vision and don't have good depth perception or balance. Add in my poor balance with my Meniere's disease and I can be pretty klutzy. I will see an specialist who works with people who have very low vision to work out the best glasses for me. The doctor feels that with glasses and with some training I should be able to drive and do some of the other things I have struggled with. I will try to keep you updated on my health and how we are settling in for the next few months. If you would prefer not to continue to receive these just let me know.

Love, Myrna (and Kent)