Saturday, January 17, 2015

Morley Update


This is our last month with International Teams and the last month they will be accepting donations for us. After this month if you would like to continue supporting the work in Athens and we hope you will consider doing so you can do so directly by giving the same way as you did for us only designating you donation to Helping Hands Athens. This will go into the genera fund and help cover the cost of keeping the facility running, providing food, items for special outreaches and some salaries although nothing near what they are worth for our director and secretary. If you decide to do this let me know and I will be sure you get on the mailing list of some of our team mates there so you can keep updated on the work. We want to thank you all again for your faithful support to us during this time and especially during this difficult last year. Your love and generosity to us and to the Lord has been wonderful and we are so grateful. I will send out one more update after this one when I have had my scans in February just to give the latest update on my health. After that I will no longer send out frequent updates but will try to send out something once a quarter to those people who are interested in just keeping up with how we are doing. If you would like to be on that email list would you just please drop me a line letting me know that with the email you would like it sent to? I recently deleted a bunch of addresses when I synched my new phone so have just been pasting on old address list in the space. Thanks for taking the time to do that.

As for how we are doing. We are settle into the house. And have begun work but as they say in Greece. Siga Siga. Slowly, slowly. We have had a few setbacks along the way. At first it took us some time to secure the money to buy the house in the first place. After being on the mission field for six years we don't fit into any of the little boxes to get a loan anymore. So although we have a great credit score. Owe no money to anyone and own a house in CA free and clear they will not loan us any money on it because we can't prove an income for the next three years and we have not borrowed any money in the last 6 years. We were finally able to finance the house thanks to the generosity of my brother and sister allowing us to use their credit lines. Once we had secured the money we were able to make and offer and then a second offer which was accepted. We moved in and spent the first week arranging our nest in an extra room with a half bath/laundry room. We had several adventures along the way with that - Kent is now a dryer repairman and a plumber! We then started on some outside projects. Cleaning mildew off the side of the garden shed, rehanging and cleaning gutters and Kent spend four days scrapping moss of the roof.

We were sideline for a few day the next week when I had to make an unexpected trip to Portland to the doctors due to the severe swelling I was having in my legs. Just after we settled in that night my father called to tell us he was sure he was have heart problems so we rushed over there. He did had a heart attack but because he knew the signs and caught it early there was no damage and they were able to put in a stent which should help immensely. However we spent several days that week with Kent back and forth to the hospital and me staying with my mom and keeping my feet up. Dad is doing well now and back to being mom's full time caregiver.

This week we hit the house a little harder tearing up carpeting, cutting back linoleum, and starting to dismantle cabinets in preparation for painting. We had a friend give us a big on the countertops and another look at some plastering for us. Another good friend came over and installed a lock on the garden shed and is going to come back and help us change out a coupe doors.

Friday we had to take the day off because I went to Portland for my 6 month Rituxen boost. I thought I just had to have one treatment but it turns out I have to have a second one and another two weeks. It doesn't make me sick or anything but this time I was there from 10-4 most of the time with an IV in my arm. The next one won't take as long because they can run it in faster. My blood work looks pretty good - one inflammation marker was high but my arthritis has been really bad so I'm not surprised I'm hoping the treatment will knock it down. It is better this morning but they gave me a dose of prednisone yesterday so I wouldn't react to the Rituxen so that might account for it. I will have scans in February and that is when we will really know what is going on.

Thank you again for walking this path with us. Don't forget to drop me a line saying "keep me on the list" if you would like to receive a quarterly update.

Serving Him Together,

Kent and Myrna Morley
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley