Here a your snapshots for the week.
1. We are having a kids carnival for Farsi speaking families. I am dressed as a giant Zambur (bee). I am running around putting flower stickers on peoples cheeks. When "A" and her kids come in Honi her little girl who is about 2 1/2 seems a little shy with me so I stay back from her so as not to frighten her. Later in the day, I feel something behind me and see that Honi is gathering her courage running up and hitting my stinger and then racing away again.
2. Before the carnival Kent (wearing his pirate hat and eye patch) and I (the giant bumble bee) are handed an instruction sheet and a bunch of long balloons - we are supposed to learn to make balloon animals in 5 minutes. Not happening - we finally settled for balloon hats which the kids loved. (see attached picture)
3. For the carnival we did the puppet show of the Good Samaritan. Since I only have two people puppets and no time to make another we must do 6 characters with two puppets. I made a black robe for one of the puppets, the other (the traveler) is wearing a white shirt. As we tell the story the black robed puppet is wearing a lone ranger type mask to be the robber. He leaves and Tasha has about 20 seconds to take off the mask and put on a black gold trimmed shawl and a black gold trimmed head covering - a priest! The priest leaves - off comes the shawl and head piece, on goes a long gold velvet head piece, and you have - a church leader. When he leaves, the gold head piece is changed for a striped one and a black mustache is added - the good Samaritan. They go into the inn and the injured man turns into the innkeeper with the addition of a headpiece and matching apron! . Whew!
4. Nader (our Iranian team mate) is back. He was deported from Norway and arrived here last week. When they deported him they put him in jail and said they had never received his passport. He told them "I gave it to you". They denied it. Nader said he was VERY afraid. Fortunately he was able to contact his lawyer who had a copy of his passport and suddenly the authorities "found" it. He was already on his way to Greece so had to spend two days in a Greek jail under very poor conditions until it could be sent here from Norway. Although we were sorry they did not get to stay in Norway, we lost no time in putting Nader to work. He translated for the puppet show on Wednesday and spoke for Farsi Day on Thursday. Nader is a gifted speaker and I enjoy listening to him even when I can't understand a word he is saying. Please pray for Nader and his wife Ella. They will be taking a furlough in the Philippines (Ella's home country) and then need to decide what to do next. Most likely they will be coming back here to serve which would make me very happy. Not only are they gifted in ministry but they are good friends.
5. Yesterday at tea house Christy had brought her Greek book because "E" our Romanian friend wanted to help her practice. I was sitting with "E" as well so was included in the lesson. Christy almost immediately "was needed" somewhere else (I think she just abandoned me! ) so I was left to continue the lesson alone. For the next hour and a half "E" drilled me on the days of the month and had me read dialogs and then asked me questions. It was good but my brain was full. I finally closed the book and said "Okay I think I am tired". She said, "I will get you some Chai and then we can go on" I asked her if she knew what the words "slave driver" meant in English and she just smiled her toothless smile and went off to get the tea. I finally escaped to the kitchen where I "hid out" for a while and then went to sit with "S" and "Z".
Once again it was a good week. We worked hard but we played too. On Sunday afternoon we played Boccie Ball in the park with Donna and Themis and then went back to their house for a card game called Golf. Nader was there to and between trying to speak Greek while we played and Nader jumping in occasionally with "one Turkish man...." (his way of starting every joke) we had a some good laughs. We continue to love the work, our team and our refugee friends. We have occasional bouts of homesickness for our family but know we are where God wants us. Thank you for holding us up in prayer. I am attaching a collage of pictures from the carnival.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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