Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Morley Update 2010 #37


Here are a few recent "snapshots" from Greece.

1) Kent found his friend "G". As you may remember "G" was one of the first group of Kurdish guys that Kent had in his English class. Of the three regulars "G" was the one he connected with the most and the one who made the most progress in English. "G" was bright and funny and Kent really enjoyed their times together. Suddenly "G" dropped out of sight. We assumed he was in Jail because we felt sure he would have called us if he was leaving. Kent tried to find him but failed. Finally we found out that he had indeed been in jail for three months and while there he was very badly beaten by some other men in the jail. The police put people who don't have the right papers in with hardened criminals. These men kicked him in the face until they did major damage to his mouth and jaw. He spent some time in the hospital and when Kent finally found him he was out of the hospital but in a lot of pain. We found a retired doctor friend from church to go back to the doctor with him but they said that his jaw was as good as it was going to get and that he just needed to exercises it more. "G" doesn't have a phone so Kent had no way to contact him and once again could not find him for a time. Then one day this summer we saw "G" on the street. He was not doing well. He looked very unkept and seemed to have trouble putting words together. He said he needed to go because he had to be somewhere so we told him to call us when he could. Once again he dropped out of sight. Recently another of the original three Kurdish guys "H" arrived back in town. He had been living at one of the camps in Lavrio about and hour from here. He managed to find "G" but told Kent he was in a bad way. He wouldn't talk to "H" and told him just to go away and leave him alone. "H" agreed to take Kent to where "G" was staying so they went together. Kent said they went back up in the hills on the bike and then walked down through the brush to a small square cement building that had been abandoned. "G" was there and was not happy with "H" that he had brought Kent. He let them in however and Kent said he has a bed, a small fireplace and he thought maybe a small bathroom but there is no electricity or running water. "G's" jaw is still not right and he can't eat very well. Kent said he seemed more himself as far as being alert but he basically just stays in this building all the time and won't go out. "H" has tried to get him to come with him to different places and he says no. It is heartbreaking to see him so depressed and beaten down. Kent and "H" will go again and try to get him to come out. Kent asked him about food but he said he was fine - "H" thinks otherwise. I will make some things that are soft and easy to chew to send with Kent the next time he goes but he doesn't have a way to refrigerate anything so it has to be things that won't spoil. I don't think he would accept groceries but I think if Kent told him I made them for him he would take them. Please pray for "G" and for Kent and "H" to know how to help him. "H" has become a Christian and Kent has been spending more time with him recently. It is hard for young men to keep any sense of self worth when they can't find work and live in fear of the police.

2) It is Saturday and tea house day at the ARC. There aren't many refugees there this particular day. Maybe it is because it is Ramadan and they are not eating or drinking or maybe it is because we changed the day from Monday to Saturday. Time will tell. In the afternoon three of the refugee women who have become good friends are there and there is a new woman who is there for the first time. She has only been in Greece two weeks and is living in the park with her husband and 8 year old son. She was asking questions about where to get food and how she could maybe wash clothes etc. We talked with her a while, told her what we could offer and then introduced her to the other women and told them her situation. They quickly began telling her which days there were different places to get food or clothes or medical help etc. I think one of the things we do well is to help refugees connect with one another and begin to have that sense of community which is so important in their culture.

3) Our friend "Z1" and her husband and three children found an abandoned house some time ago and have worked hard cleaning it up, painting some of the rooms and making a home for themselves. They even have water and electricity. We went to visit one day and "Z1" cooked us a meal and proudly served us in her dining room (the house even had old furniture). Recently however "Z1's" husband told some men they could stay for the night because they had no where to go. Now 6 men have moved into their home and are using it as a base for illegal activity. "Z1's" husband told them to leave and they said "No, why should we leave, you leave". "Z1" and her husband can't call the police because if the police came they might all end up in jail or they would likely all end up in the street. "Z1" is frightened at what the men would do if they tried to force them to leave. Such is the precarious life of a refugee in Greece. Please pray for this family - "Z1" is on of the regulars at two of the women's bible studies and a dear friend.

4) At tea house on Saturday someone had brought in a giant teddy bear and it was sitting in a chair. Later in the day I looked up and instead of one of the children playing with it, a young man in his early 20s had his arms wrapped around it and was using it for a pillow on the table. He wasn't sleeping, just resting and watching the Jesus film. Everyone needs someone to hug!

We have a busy schedule for the next few months. I am overseeing short term teams and individuals. On Saturday (9/11)we have a young woman coming on a vision trip to look at joining the ministry here. She will stay with us and will be here until 9/22. We have three young women coming 9/15-16 to stay for 3 months so I have been working on their schedule and Kent and I will spend a day preparing the apartment where they are going to stay (rearranging some furniture and bringing in an extra bed). We will also pick them up at the airport and spend a day helping get them settled and I will do their orientation. We have a working retreat with marathon meetings from 9/23-27. On 9/30 another couple is coming for a vision trip and will also stay with us. They will leave 10/11. 10/1 we have a short term team coming in from the Chicago area so I will help get them settled etc. They leave 10/10. The next week some friends from Oregon will be around and will likely stay with us at least a couple of nights. 10/19-23 I will be gone to a conference for Greek women in Northern Greece. I will get a chance to speak for a few minutes about our ministry and be around to answer questions. Pray for my Greek language skills - it will be good practice for me! Once I get back we will have a couple of weeks and then my brother and sister-in law are coming for a visit - which I am very excited about! Once they leave we have a team coming in from Nebraska and then we move into Christmas parties. I think I will schedule collapsing sometime after Christmas! Actually Kent and I both enjoy having people around and being busy so I am looking forward to it.

We think of you all often and miss being able to spend time in person with you. We appreciate all the notes of encouragement and the prayers that go up on our behalf, as well as the financial support. Thank you for being part of our team. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625

To Support:
Online go to: www.iteams.org/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}

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