For those of you who have not heard, I missed getting out my update last week because I was in the hospital for 8 days. I had been having trouble with my right knee and for about it a week it was VERY swollen. I had finally called the doctor on a Wednesday but the rheumatologist could not see me until the following Tuesday. I decided to just keep my foot up for a few days but on Friday developed a pain in my calf which I knew could be a sign of a blood clot. I called the doctor back to see if I could get in earlier and she told me to go to the hospital to be checked out. I did indeed have Deep Vein Thrombosis and was put in the hospital on complete bed rest for 8 days. They began giving me blood thinners, plus massive doses of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for my knee. The doctor felt that the swelling caused the circulation to slow in my lower leg which in turn caused the clot. Long story short I was in the hospital for 8 days, then I came home with some restrictions. I will be on blood thinners from 3-6 months. The first month, I must wear long (toe to hip) compression stockings at all times, I must not sit for longer than 5 minutes with my feet down, I must not stand in one place for longer than 5 minutes, I can't ride on the motorcycle. All this adds up to me being off work for a month even though I am able to be up and about and doing things at home. The other day I was doing something at the kitchen counter and I was shifting back and forth from foot to foot so I would not be standing still. Kent said "I keep thinking you must need to go to the bathroom!" In the course of doing all the other testing in the hospital the doctors also discovered that I have gall stones. This was not a surprise to me as I had been having some symptoms. Once I am off the blood thinners they will need to do surgery to remove these but it is an overnight stay in the hospital with only a week of recovery so should be no big deal.
Amazingly the ministry has managed to go on even in my absence. The week I was in the hospital Kent was also sick with a cold/flu that we have been really passing around. He spent several days at home sleeping and feeling lousy. In between he took care of me, built a puppet set and went to work when he could. This week we started our Christmas parties. There have been 3 so far and we still have two to go. We have a short term team here from Glad Tidings Church in Omaha. They are doing the puppet show since I am not able to be there. Sunday they came to our house and I did their orientation and we practiced. They did a great job and Kent said it has been well received at the parties. We are again doing the story of the man who does not believe in Christmas because he can't understand why God who is so big and great would come as a baby. While his wife is away he looks outside and sees two little birds shivering in the cold. He wants to bring them into his shed in order to save them from the cold. He calls to them but the don't listen, he goes outside to try and get them to go in the shed but they are afraid and fly up to the roof. The man is discouraged and thinks "If only I could be a bird for just a minute, I could tell the birds about the shed. They wouldn't be afraid of another bird". Just then the church bells ring and it occurs to him that that is what God did. He tried to speak to his people in may ways but finally he became a man and walked among us. This is a concept that is very hard for Muslims to understand and so it is an effective message.
Thank you to all of you who gave in order to make these parties possible. They are special times with good food, fun, family photos and most importantly another chance to share the message of Jesus. It is not to late to give - anything above the amount used for the Christmas parties will be designated for sleeping bags to be given away to those sleeping outside during these cold winter days. Designate your gifts to Helping Hands Athens - Christmas. For how to give see below.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: https://www.iteams.org/us/give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)
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