Thursday, March 22, 2012

Morley Update 2012 #11

I realized last night after I went to bed that I had neglected to write my update. My days are a bit mixed up lately as I have not been able to keep my regular schedule. On Sunday night and Monday evening I had two violent attacks with my meniere's disease - horrible spinning that came on suddenly and was accompanied by throwing up and other unmentionable body functions. Because of this Kent and I decided that I would stay home for a while and try to get a handle on this. For one thing there is no way I can be at work or on public transportation when one of these hits. I am trying tweaking my medications (taking more meclizine and spacing it throughout the day). So far I haven't had any more violent attacks but had several times yesterday that I had to lay down and close my eyes to stop the room from whirling. Of course this is frustrating and discouraging at the best of times but we have good friends arriving today to work with us for the next week and a half. I don't even know if I will be able to go in and am also not sure about taking a couple of day trips we had planned. I would appreciate your prayers about this.
I want to tell you about Kent's good friend "H". "H" is a young Iraqi man. In Iraq his brother was involved in a car accident where a man was killed. Although it was determined that his brother was not at fault he spent some time in jail. Earlier this year when he was released from jail the father of the dead man killed "H's" brother. At that point his father told him that he should leave Iraq because there was no telling what this man would do. He came here hoping to find a better life but like so many others is stuck in the bureaucracy. "H" speaks good English and he and Kent have become friends. They have had many spiritual conversations and often "H" will bring other young men into the ARC with him to meet Kent and he will translate for them. In January "H" called Kent one night and told him that he had just heard the news that the father of the man killed in the accident had bombed "H's" home killing his parents and destroying their home. His only other family in Iraq is an uncle who is more concerned with trying to cheat "H" out of any property his parents had than in helping him. He is very alone in this world. On Saturday "H" stayed for the seekers class in the book of John that Kent and I have been involved with along with our team mate Aziz and Scott McCracken. Kent was out of the class spending some time with two boys who's parents were attending the class. After the class "H" told him. "At the end of the class the man had us pray. He said if we were praying to God and wanted to accept Jesus as our Savior we should tell one of you after class. I want to tell you that is me." Kent said "You are saying that you have accepted Jesus?" and "H" said "yes". Kent will now spend time with "H" going over a 5 lesson course on what it means to be a Christian. At the end of that time "H" will be baptized. He is alone no more - Praise the Lord!
Kent is also spending time with another young man that he met with yesterday. This young man is also going through some rough times in his life. Pray for Kent as he shares encouragement and hope with him and the other young men God seems to bring into his life.
Though I have been at home Kent is keeping very busy. He goes in early twice a week to teach an English class and stays late on Saturdays for the seekers class. We are still involved in the community group of refugee believers on Friday evenings. Last week it was in our home so I got to attend for the first time in a few weeks. Some weeks they meet at the ARC after men's meal day so I don't go in and it means another late evening for Kent. He also goes early on Wednesdays for leadership meetings and spends more time doing emails, preparing lessons, taking charge of team meetings, team fellowships and team prayer times. He meets with individuals on the team, encouraging them and dealing with the little issues that come up as a group of people work together and bump up against one another. He is feeling good about his new role and is working hard to stay on top of things.
Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement to us. Thanks you for your financial support. Thank you for being our extended team. Thank you for all you do to invest in God's work here in Athens. Because of you there is rejoicing in heaven over one who is saved! We love you all.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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