Friday, October 19, 2012

A Correction and Apology


A Correction:

I found out I had misrepresented a number in my update today and wanted to correct it. I said: "At this time there are 140,000 cases in the first stage of processing and 25,000 in the second stage. They are processing 3 a day which means it would take them over 19 years just to process the ones they already have even if they accepted no new cases." A team mate let me know that there are 20 commissions and EACH of them hear 3 cases a day which is 60 cases total a day - meaning it would take over 10 years to process the cases they now have. The lawyer last night was speaking Greek and it was difficult to hear the translation so I missed a portion of what he said - I just wanted to set the record straight.

An Apology:

Perhaps I should have just not written an update this week. I have found that something I said near the end of my letter was offensive to some and once again I want to make that right. I said "the government, the police and the system all conspire against the refugee". By using the word conspire I implied that all these people purposely act unfairly toward the refugee. While there are individual cases where this is true it is unfair to paint the whole of Greek authority with the same brush. Greece in under a tremendous strain with their own economic problems and the addition of so many needy people pouring into their country daily. I think everyone would agree that the system is very unwieldy and in sad need of an overhaul. However there are many in the system who are trying to do the humane and fair thing under very difficult circumstances. There are many other Greeks who individually and corporately (such as many churches in the area) try to help refugees. It is easy to get overwhelmed with the problems and to place blame. I apologize if I offended anyone by my remarks. I love Greece and the Greek people and pray for them as they face difficult days ahead.


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