Thursday, November 15, 2012
Morley Update 2012 #40
In one of the monasteries at Meteora, one of our favorite places in Greece, there is a room lined with paintings. Under these paintings are writings describing the meaning of the picture. One of my favorites is of a priest holding a tray on which he is offering cups of tea, glasses of water and some rolls. Underneath the painting it says this: "The man who opens his heart to the only Light, who is Christ, is overflowing with true joy and goodness. His heart expands, like a spacious and sweetly perfumed chamber where guests assemble; he provides hospitality to each and every brother, seeing within him the image of God. He quenches their thirst with the cool water of love, of comfort, of sacrifice, of offering. And through this blessed door of hospitality, he may come to encounter the Heavenly Gate of the Kingdom of God."
I love the part that says "he provides hospitality to each and every brother, SEEING WITHIN HIM THE IMAGE OF GOD." We have had so many people come through the doors of the home God has given us here in Athens. Women, men, children and babies. Young, old, poor and affluent. There have been friends, family, interns and refugees who have come to stay for a night or a week or a month. These rooms have echoed with the sounds of Farsi, Arabic, Russian, Urdu, Kurdish, Greek and English. They have been filled with the sound of laughter which transcends language and is a sound I love to hear. There have also been times when these walls have provided a safe place for tears as friends share the anguish of their hearts. This home has been a place where we can pray for one another and show our love and concern. We have hosted seekers, believers and skeptics. People we know and people we meet for the first time when they walk through our door. No matter who they are, where they came from or what their circumstances - they are all made in the image of God. If we can remember this how much more quickly will we open our homes and our hearts and ask people to enter.
Who in your life is in need of hospitality? Is God asking you to open your heart or your home to someone? It may be a small thing - just a cup of coffee or tea. It might be something more. Something that costs you time, money or emotional investment. Whatever it is God can use it to quench their thirst, quiet their hunger and sooth their soul. And who knows you may just bring that person to "encounter the Heavenly Gate of the Kingdom of God."
Thank you SO much for allowing us to be your hands of hospitality to the refugees in Greece. Through this ministry many have been ushered up to the Heavenly Gate and many have walked through that gate into the Kingdom of God. Pray for those who are still outside the gate. Some want to walk through but are held back by fear and doubt. Pray for them and pray for us that we will be sensitive to those around us who are in need of the "cool water of love, comfort, sacrifice and offering". We love you all and are grateful to be in this work together.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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