It's hard to believe that in less than a week we will be leaving Greece for 6 months. The Lord has been gracious to provide for our needs. We were able to get our Greek and American taxes done, we are okay with our residence permit until we get back, we have paid our medical bills and I was able to get my medicine today that the pharmacist said there was little chance of getting. I have cleaned cupboards and closets to ready our house since we will have people living in it for all but a few weeks of the time we are gone. We have a place to stay while in OR and a car for that time. We have handed off most of our responsibilities in ministry. I have been working on and made good progress on our presentations for various speaking opportunities while we are home. We are filling our calendar with chances to share about the work.
Almost all that's left to do is packing and saying our goodbyes. And that's the hard part. On Friday we will hug our refugee friends knowing that we will likely never see some of them again. Many will leave during the six months we are away. Just this week two families that we have been close to are gone. One of them is Mustafa's family. I told you about him in a newsletter - he was the little boy who answered the question about what sin was by quoting what Kent had said in his Christmas sermon several weeks earlier. This week he did something that tugged at my heart. Often in class kids will hide crayons, or erasers, or pencil sharpeners etc. in their pockets because they want to take them home. We have tried to teach them that it is not okay to take things without asking but sometimes it seems like no one is listening. On Tuesday, Mustafa came up and handed "G" (the young Afghan man who helps teach) a broken crayon. He said, "I found this in my house and I knew it belonged here so I brought it back." I find that even as I write this tears well up in my eyes at this little boy's sweet, pure spirit. He and his younger sister have been here with their dad for some time while their mom went ahead. This week they are being reunited in Germany. Please pray that they will find other Christians who can continue to teach Mustafa and his family the truth about Jesus.
The second family that is leaving is "S" the young girl with cerebral palsy that became a Christian last year. As you may recall she is 12 years old and severally disabled but has a strong faith and is bold about speaking out for Jesus. This week she and her father and siblings will join her mom also in Germany. Please pray that there will be those in Germany who will water this little plant that is growing so bravely in such difficult circumstances.
A few weeks ago I wrote about a baby whose life was saved by the doctor at our doctor's day who found a heart problem. We were all very excited on Tuesday when the whole family including little "M" came. She has recovered well from her heart surgery and was all smiles as her mother showed her off to everyone. Pray for this family, their living situation is precarious because they only have one more month to stay in the hotel that is being paid for by the Greek Council for Refugees.
There was one other fun little moment this week. Tasha told us that one afternoon Kent was playing with a little boy at the ARC - if you know Kent he loves kids and they love him. Anyway Tasha said that the women saw him playing with this boy and said "Look the "BOSS" is playing with that boy". In their culture leaders are above others and glory in their positions. The concept of a "servant leader" is something very different so they are always amazed to see Kent rocking babies, playing with children, cleaning the floors or toilets and doing laundry. They are always watching us as a team, please pray that we are an example of God's love to them.
Well my next update will be written at my daughter's home in MA - we leave here on Tues. April 16. We are looking forward to some much needed rest and time with family as well as the many opportunities to talk about what God is doing in Athens. Our calendar is filling up but if you would like us to speak at your church, small group or ??? please let me know so I can plug you in to one of the spots we have left. We'll be seeing some of you soon.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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