Thursday, July 31, 2014

Short Health Update


Just a quick health update. I had my second Retuxin treatment this week and it went well. No side effects. I am feeling good. I don't have much stamina yet but that will come as I build my strength back up. I saw my doctor on Monday. She said she would be hyper vigilante with me this first 6 months since my disease has been so atypical. I am going to have a scan of my lung the middle of the month. She is hoping the mass will have shrunk or even gone away because she "doesn't like it". The end of the month I will have some blood work done which MAY tell us if I am going into remission but won't be definitive because I will still be on the steroids. It will take almost the whole 6 months to wean me off of them. I asked her some questions about my disease like Will I likely have times when it will break through the remission and flare again? She said, "Normally I would say 'Yes this is a disease that tends to flare'. However once again yours is so atypical that I really don't know what to expect, maybe not." I asked her if it would shorten my life and again she said, "Normally I would say 'Most likely because the mortality rate is higher for people with this disease and then you have the added risk of the medications we have you on.' Again yours has been less aggressive than normal so maybe not. We just really can't predict." She said if I go into remission we will try to treat with the Retuxin every 6 months but if I break through I will have to go on other oral drugs for maintenance.

I am getting along with my eye although I still find it bothersome and have trouble seeing as well as I might. Some of the problem is that the steroids affect my vision in my good eye making it somewhat blurry at times but that will go away once I am off of them. I am glad to be feeling well enough to help with preparations for our daughters wedding coming up on the 10th. Our kids and grandkids from out of town will be arriving tomorrow and we are looking forward to a week of family time. Please continue to pray for Kent and I and the decisions we are facing. We love you all.


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