This Wednesday we held the first of our Christmas parties. It was a party for children ages 7-12. This is the first time we have done a party where the parents left their children with us and came back to pick them up. Many of these families are fairly new so it was a real measure of trust that they were willing to do this. We had around 40 kids. They were divided into 4 teams. Each team took a turn at one of our four stations. There was a craft table - where they made a picture of the nativity with great stickers brought by our short term team - Thanks Glad Tidings!. There was a cookie table where they frosted and decorated cookies. There was a "Knock Down the Snowman" game and there was a Toy Village where they got to pick out three toys to take home (these were donated by Mattel).
When the kids arrived - I greeted them in my Elf costume - see attached picture. We started the day singing a song with lively action called Jump Into the Light. The kids loved it but I must say by the time we sang it through a couple of times this Elf was a little tired out. It was fun helping to lead kids in singing again though - it reminded me of all the musicals and VBS programs we did in Elmira! After the singing they went around to the different stations and then we gathered them again to hear the Christmas story in a puppet show. We talked about how Mary and Joseph had to walk a long way to go to Bethlehem and how tired they must have been. We asked the children if they remembered what it was like to walk and walk and to be tired - many of the children answered "Bali" (yes). We then told how Mary and Joseph couldn't find a place to stay and had to stay in a barn with no bed. We asked the kids if some of them had to sleep outside because they didn't have a house or a bed. "Bali". We talked about how the bad king wanted to kill all the little boys so Mary and Joseph and Jesus had to go live in another country until the bad king died. We ended with: Jesus knows what it is like to leave your home, to travel a long way, to not have a house, and to live in another country because your own country is not safe. He loves you very much. Christmas time is a time to remember when Jesus came down from heaven as a baby. My own heart was touched as I looked down into those little faces - some of them not so clean. I can see those serious big brown eyes looking up at me as they thought about Jesus not even having his own bed and how they know what that feels like. I have heard it said before that "Jesus was a refugee" but seeing this for the first time through a child's eyes brought it home to me in a very real way.
It was a good day and one I know the kids will remember. Please pray for the families who live in such hard circumstances. Also pray for this next week as we will be having 4 Christmas parties with about 150 people each time. This will be the first time many of these people have a chance to hear the Christmas story and it will be a wonderful night of music, puppets, food and a small gift for each person attending.
Last week I wrote to you about "S" and young man from Afghanistan who accepted Christ. I asked you to pray because there were several other young men who were interested. Thank you for praying. This last week one of those young men "G" surrendered his life to the Lord. Here is "G's" story told by our team mate Brett Sanner.
“G” left Afghanistan in order to pursue an education. It’s widely known that women in Afghanistan were denied educational opportunities under the Taliban. In certain regions, however, even men (especially men from certain minority ethnic groups, like “G”) were denied much beyond an elementary education. “G” was not satisfied with this. He dreamed of learning English and French, the “languages of education” as “G” put it. This hunger to learn led “G” to flee Afghanistan for Pakistan, and then India before eventually turning westward to Europe.
“G” first heard about Jesus in India. Since then, God’s Spirit has continued to pursue him. Now, roughly nine years later, “G” is ready to follow Jesus. As an Afghan, “G” faces almost certain rejection from family and friends. So what can compel such risk? Love. Legalism and moralism cannot provide the courage to risk. “G” says that understanding the love of God, however, compels him to risk everything. Jesus on the cross paints the picture clearly: God is love. It is this love that has wooed “G” for nearly a decade, and now it is this love to which “G” surrenders his life. Jesus lords over us in love. “G” gets it, and now has given his life to it.
Please pray for “G”. He asks specifically for boldness in living and sharing his faith. Pray for God’s love to be all the more evident to “G” as the persecution and rejection of the world begins. Also, “G” still has a great passion for learning; I know that he would appreciate greatly if you would pray that God would provide an opportunity for formal education.
Thank you again for your love and support for us and for the refugees we serve. Thank you for upholding us in prayer as we finish out the couple of hectic weeks before we return to the states. Our prayer for you is that during this wonderful time of year you have moments of peace and a chance to remember what we are truly celebrating. We love you all.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
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