We have finished three of our Christmas parties and have two more to go - one tonight and one tomorrow night. The first party was the children's party last week. Then Monday night and Tuesday night we had two parties for Farsi speaking families. We met at 2:00 on Monday afternoon and started filling bags of gifts. We had different bags for babies, toddlers, girls, boys, teen girls, teen boys, men and women. We set up assembly lines and packed over 500 bags in 2 hours. These were stashed in the baby room to be handed out at each of the four parties. When we finished that we set up the room, moving tables and chairs and trying to configure things in a way that everyone had a view of the stage. We then covered the tables with colorful clothes and bright napkins, placing a lantern with a tea candle burning in the middle of each. The result was that our large room was transformed into a beautiful, festive and welcoming place.
We opened our doors at 5:30 and and waited for the 150 ticketed guests to arrive. The first night we didn't have quite that many because the buses were not running due to demonstrations. When many of the refugees families arrived they were tired because they had walked all the way. One lady told me they weren't going to come but her little girls cried so they made the trek. I think by the time they went home they all agreed it was worth the effort.
As they arrived we greeted them with "Christmas Moborak" and invited them to find a place at one of the tables. Table hosts welcomed their guests and filled out a sheet to be sent to the gift room so a bag of presents could be packed for their table. While we were waiting for everyone to arrive we escorted families in groups back to our photo room where we took a family portrait that they will receive next week. I had fun making the backdrop for this (see attached photo).
When our guests had all arrived we started the program. The Helping Hands Team sang three Christmas carols - O Come All Ye Faithful, Joy to the World and Silent night. We have some good voices on the team and some people (like me) who just make a joyful noise. Both nights even though the songs were in English I saw women with tears in their eyes and we were roundly applauded when we finished.
Then it was time for the puppet show. (see attached picture) As I shared in my last update we told the story of Christmas but related it to them as refugees. We talked about long journeys, not having a place to stay and leaving your country for another because it was no longer safe for you to stay. I wasn't sure how the adults would respond to this but I saw many, many heads nodding as well as a few tears. After the puppet show we had Nader speak the first night and one of the leaders from our church spoke the second night and Nader translated.
When we finished the program we served the food - chicken, rice, salad and dessert. The first night our team did all the cooking and serving. The second night the church Kent and I attend, Νεα Ζοη (New Life), brought the food, did the decorations on the tables, served and cleaned up - what a blessing!! While the food was being served I hurried into the other room and changed into my Elf Costume. I sneaked out into the main room and went around to the tables passing out candy and greeting the kids. Afterward many of the children came to get their picture taken with me as did most of the teen age boys.
Once dinner was over it was time for gifts. Thanks to the generosity of churches, schools and individuals as well as many toys donated by Matell each person received a nice bag of gifts. There was much excitement even on the part of the adults as this is the first Christmas gift many of them have ever received. Once the gifts had been opened, hugs were given and pictures were taken, we said "Hadafis" (goodbye) and they all trooped happily homeward. When our guests were gone, tables were cleared, floors were swept and mopped and dishes were done. After the first party, I wasn't sure I could walk up our steps by the time we got home but we didn't have to be back the next day until 4:00 so I had a chance to rest up. The second party was much easier because the church was there to do most of the work and we got to enjoy our guests. Tonight we are on our own again with another Farsi party, this one for single men and any families who couldn't be accommodated for our first two parties. Tomorrow we will have a party for Greek and Arabic speakers. This will be a bit smaller with maybe 100 people and another church will be helping out with that one.
This was week of goodbyes as well. We are losing our three beloved interns who have been with us for the last three months. They have worked hard and endeared themselves to the team and the refugees. There have been many tears shed as children and women bid farewell to these young women who have poured themselves into their lives if only for a season. We also said goodbye to our short term team from Glad Tidings Church in Omaha. They were here for two weeks and a real blessing to us. We were sorry to see them go. Quite a few people on the team are going to be away over the holidays and several including us will be on furlough. Pray for the team left here as they minister with less hands to share the load. Pray for the last two parties and for our next week at work as we finish up and get ready to be away for three months. We are looking forward to spending time with family and friends and hope to be able to connect with many of you when we are home. At the same time it is very hard to leave this work and these people we love.
Our prayer for you is that in the midst of the bustle of the holidays, you will have time to reflect on the true gift of Christmas. As God reached down to us with the gift of love and peace and hope, so we must reach out to those around us and share that gift with them. We love you all.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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