Thursday, April 7, 2011

Morley Update 2011 #7

My parents have been married for 60 years today. Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! Kent and I are coming up on 38 years in a couple months. In looking back over the years there were good times, bad times, prosperous times, lean times, busy times,and slow times. There was laughter and there were tears but always there was love. In working with refugee women who have for the most part been married off at a young age to a man they didn't (and many times still don't) love, I am so blessed to have walked through life with a godly man that I love and who treats me with love and respect. Recently Tasha gave some pampers to a woman who began to cry in gratefulness because it meant that when she went home her husband would not hit her for not having any. We have many women who are eagerly studying the bible and who are very close to making a decision. However, it is hard for them to believe in a God who loves them and will never leave them since for the most part they have never experienced a relationship like that. Pray for these women, pray that God will protect them and release them from the fear and mistrust that fills their minds and hearts.

It has been a busy and happy week. On Saturday we picked up our sister-in-law Barbara and niece Tammy at the airport. They will be here until after Easter. Sunday we took them to church and then visited the Acropolis and walked around downtown. That night we bought gyros at a local shop and brought them home to eat on our balcony. Monday we drove along the sea stopping to take pictures and ended with a Taverna dinner along the shore.

Tuesday was family meal day and we were very busy - we ran short of food. Luckily we had enough for all the refugees but most of the staff had spaghetti sauce (no pasta) and an orange for lunch. Barb and I worked in the kids room. I sat at a table with three adorable little girls who tried to teach me my colors in Farsi. This cause much hilarity as I tried to pronounce the guttural sounds they make so easily. Barb played a game of tic-tac-toe in which they both used Xes and everyone won! After we cleaned up we had a planning meeting for a kids Easter outreach and then Barb and Tammy and I headed home. Kent stayed because he and Scott are teaching a new believers class on Tuesday nights. We will be baptizing 4 new believers next Wednesday.

Wednesday was a day of meetings and then team Fellowship. We met with the other two International Teams ministries in Athens. Nea Zoi (new life) who work with prostitutes and Sahar who works with Farsi speakers. It was a full and noisy house but it is always good to be together.

Thursday Kent left for a retreat with the new believers. Barb and Tammy and I shopped the laiki and then I made the two new puppets for our Easter outreach. That evening we sat and watched a movie while we cut out the pieces for 40 bunnies (each bunny had 8 pieces). We watched Message in a Bottle so there may be some tear drops on the bunny pieces! Today we will practice the puppet show and get ready for our first presentation next Tuesday since we will be going out of town on Sunday and Monday.

As Barb and I were in the kitchen together the other day I thought how nice it is to have family here. I love just being with them but beyond that I love showing them what we do and introducing them to the people we love. I wish I could do that for each one of you. Thank you so much for your faithful support. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To Support:
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Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks ;}

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