Life is never dull! Since we have my sister-in-law and niece here we decided to take Sunday and Monday (our day off) and take a trip to Corinth and Nafplio, a quaint town on the sea with wonderful castle ruins to explore. We left at about 9:00 and drove to Corinth stopping at the Corinth Canal where we were fortunate to see a ship go through the canal as well as watch some brave souls bungee jump from the bridge. Yikes! We then drove to ancient Corinth. Since Agra Corinth (the fort atop the hill above the city) closes at 3:00 we decided to drive up there first and then return to explore the site at Ancient Corinth. Since it was about noon we stopped in the parking lot of Ancient Corinth to get a few snacks and drinks out of the back of the car. I jumped out grabbed the snacks and got back in the front. I cut up some apples and cheese, poured drinks and then jumped out to put the drink bottles back in the cooler. As I was getting back in the car, Kent said, "Before you sit down, where are the keys?" Thinking I must have left them in the lock I went to check. No keys. I checked my pockets. No Keys. I checked around in the back. No keys. I looked in the front and on the ground. No keys. Kent checked his pockets. No keys. We began taking things out of the back and looking through them. No keys. Finally the trunk was empty. No keys. We went through every bag and box and pocket and jacket even going so far as to take out the spare tire. No keys. Kent crawled under the car to see if he could locate a hide a key we had placed there about a year earlier. No hide a key. We checked in the bushes, we took everything out of the trunk AGAIN, we emptied every open bag. No keys. All this had taken about an hour and a half. We called our landlord and had him go look and see if we had an extra key in our apartment. No key. We called our insurance agent and then triple A. There was no one available to even tow us on a Sunday. We looked into renting a car - none available. Since it had now been 2 hours, Tammy and Barb decided to go in and tour the site at Corinth while Kent and I tried to figure out what to do. Kent crawled under the car AGAIN. We looked in the back AGAIN and this time noticed a small flap where the door closes down. This flap opens into a space between the hard plastic liner of the trunk and the outside of the car. We felt down inside, even pulling the liner back as much as we could. No keys. After an hour Tammy and Barb came back. We decided to take everything out of the trunk one last time even though we knew it was most likely a futile attempt. When everything was out Kent reached his hand up from the well for the spare tire and into that liner. "I think I can feel something!" My hand was smaller so I reached in and sure enough there were the keys! There was much rejoicing in the camp!! It was now 3:30 so we drove up to Agra Corinth to look at the view and then went on our way to Nafplio filled with thankfulness and joy.
Since we are coming up on Easter we decided to have several special Easter Outreaches, three for Farsi families on Tuesdays and one for Farsi Men on Friday. We had our first Family Outreach this Tuesday. We welcomed the families in and had them sit down in chairs facing a stage in the middle. The children sat on a mat directly in front of the stage. When we closed the doors, Nader welcomed the families and then the Morley Family (me, Kent, Barb and Tammy) put on a puppet show. It was the story of Caterpillar and his two friends, Spider and Ladybug. Everyday they met in the meadow to play games and spend time together. One day Caterpillar told them he was going away. They wanted to know where he was going and if they could come too but he told them there were some things you must do alone. The next day when they came to the meadow Caterpillar was no where to be seen. They looked everywhere and finally a friendly butterfly told them that Caterpillar was inside the big cocoon. They were very sad. They still came to the Meadow but it wasn't the same without Caterpillar. One day after they went home, the cocoon began to shake and out came Caterpillar, who had changed to a butterfly. He flew away. When ladybug and spider found the empty cocoon they were very upset and thought someone had taken Caterpillar. They see the friendly butterfly again and she tells them that caterpillar flew away on his own. They can't believe it. Caterpillars can't fly. As they sit wondering about this, Caterpillar, who is now a butterfly flies up. They don't recognize him and ask if he knows where their friend Caterpillar is. He laughs and tells them it's him. They think everything will be the same again but butterfly tells them that he must fly away and they won't see them anymore but that some day he will come back and then they can all be together again. After the show I (with Nader translating) explain why this is very much like the REAL Easter story. Then the kids are dismissed to make a craft and Nader speaks to the adults. As an Easter gift we offer anyone who wants one, a copy of the Jesus film on DVD in Farsi. After a prayer, we serve a nice chicken dinner with a special treat of Tsoureki which is a sweet bread baked around a red egg that is the traditional Easter treat in Greece. It is a great day of visiting with our refugee friends and of sharing with them the truth of the Resurrection. (See pictures of the puppet show attached).
Wednesday was prayer day. Tammy and Barb used the day to visit the Acropolis Museum and do some sight seeing. I finally gave in to a cold and sore throat that I had been fighting and stayed home napping in the sun. Kent went to prayer day which was outside on a hill overlooking the city. He came home with a sunburned nose.
Wednesday evening we met with others of the team and a pastor from the 2nd evangelical church for a baptism. We had intended to baptize 4 refugees but as often happens things changed. One of the young men who was to be baptized got a chance to move on to another country and left the day before. Pray for "H" that we can connect him with Christians where ever he settles. The couple who were to be baptized got confused about the date and he took a job on an island for a few days so they will be baptized later. The other young man "G" was there. We sang a few worship songs in Farsi as we stood on the beach. "G" gave his testimony and then Nader, Pastor George and "G" waded out into the COLD sea where "G" was "buried with Christ and raised to walk in a new life". Praise the Lord!
Thursday Kent had several individual meeting with team mates and did some studying for some teaching he is doing at the upcoming team retreat. Barb, Tammy and I went in to the ARC for women's showers. We visited, played games and had lunch. After lunch Barb and I did the dishes and we headed home. Today Kent is at the Men's Easter Outreach, Tammy is sightseeing and Barb and I are doing laundry and hoping it doesn't rain on our clothes. We continue to stay busy, reasonably healthy and very happy. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and faithful support. We love you.
Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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