Saturday, January 16, 2010

Entering the world of Blogging

As a technologically challenged person, I entered the world of email with fear and trepidation. To my surprise I found that I liked being able to communicate at the click of a button. No more seaching for a pen that would write, trying to unstick an envelope that had picked up moisture or finding a stamp that didn't require the addition of another two cents. Thus I happily began writing my little weekly updates about our work here in Greece to a growing number of faithful readers (or at least people who were too polite to ask to be taken off my mailing list). But as is the way of all things technological I was recently informed that email was quickly becoming passe and ANYONE who was up to date was on Facebook. I resisted for a time but lured by seeing pictures of my grandchildren I opened an account and once more was pleasantly surprised. I am now in contact with many old friends and even some young ones. I can also (if I care to) keep up on who plays Mafia Wars, Farm Town, Restaurant Town, Zoo Town, Circus Town, Fish Town and on and on. Despite some downsides I enjoy Facebook and was content with my status as a "cutting edge" techno buff. Now I have been informed that people would much rather go to a blog to get their information than to sign on to email or facebook and that I should really consider posting my weekly updates there. Once again I am not sure where this will take me. It may be that I just post my updates and let it go at that. I may find that I wish to expound on the many joys of living in a foreign country or share the latest witticism from my adorable grandchildren. We shall see but for now I will be posting my updates about our work with refugees on Tuesdays and we'll go from there.


  1. Hi Myrna,,,,this is so great,,,now I can just print out your good messages with out having to keep trying to move the words, so the borders don't have all the other stuff on the emails....I have really been enjoying all your news, and hope you are both feeling & hugs, aunt margie
