Saturday, June 22, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #20


First of all we have been hearing exciting news from Athens. We just finished the two camps that we do in cooperation with two other ministries in the area - Hellenic Ministries (who have a lovely camp facility) and Oasis. There was a week long camp for men and then a week long camp for families. These camps are always a highlight for our team and for refugees but this year several things happened to make them even more special.

At the family camp the children were taught for the first time from a discipleship tool developed by Samaritan's Purse called The Greatest Journey. Our team mate Donna put in many hours working to get this translated into Farsi. She writes "For me it was pure joy to see the children enjoying this colorful workbook, memorize Scripture verses and grasp an understanding of who Jesus is. Please pray that the lessons learned will continue to stir the hearts and minds of these children and their parents! God is at work in these precious ones!" At the end of the camp each of the children received a "Christmas" shoebox from Samaritans purse as well.

The truly exciting news is that after the men's camp 12 men were baptized and at the family camp a man and woman (not related) were baptized. At the end of this week two more women were baptized! This is SO exciting - especially for the women. We have had several women believers who have been afraid to be baptized because they haven't seen other women take this step and it is a very clear declaration of their faith which is extremely risky and scary for them. I believe that this will give other women the courage to step forward and we will see a rich harvest among the women in the coming weeks and months. Please pray for these new believers. Pray for protection and for peace and boldness in speaking out about their faith. Pray for family members who may have yet to come to faith. Pray that the many seeds planted at these camps will grow and bear fruit.

I had planned to give an update on my health situation but find I am tired of thinking about it and talking about it. Suffice to say I am up to 6 doctors now and they still don't have any definitive answers. I have appointments with three different doctors on Monday and Tuesday of next week and then we will head up to WA and on to WY. We will be back in Portland on the 10th of July when I will begin making the rounds of doctors again. It will be very nice to have a couple of weeks where we just don't have to think about this or travel back and forth to Portland (two hours each way) for appointments. Please pray that the doctors can find some answers and some solutions for the health issues I am facing.

Thank you all for your continual support and love. Though we are away from the work in Greece for the time we are glad to get a chance to share with many of you from our hearts. If you are in the WA area and would like to try and catch up with us between June 25 and July 2 please let me know. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #19


I wanted to get an update out to let you know we will be speaking at Willamina (near Salem) this Sunday June 19th if you are in the area. We will be sharing about the work during the Sunday School hour 9:30am and Kent will be preaching at church following that.

I have not written because most of our time has been spent in various doctors' offices and at the hospital getting tests. They are trying to find the reason behind my blood clotting problem. So far I have seen a GP, a Hematologist, and a Rheumatologist. I had 15 vials of blood drawn one day, 5 another and 7 another. I have had an MRI of my brain, a contrast CT of everything from the neck down, and 5 X-rays. I will see my GP again next week and as well as a cardiologist who may put a scope into my heart to look around. I also have 5 echo grams next week. The following week I will see the hematologist again and a neurologist. As you can see they are checking me out very well which is good but it means that we have had very little time to see friends or even family. Please pray that they will get to the bottom of things so I can feel comfortable that I am getting proper care when we return to Greece.

We have been able to speak at our home Church and a small group in Portland and are booked to speak almost every weekend through August and quite a few times during the week. We will be in the WA area June 26- July 3rd and still have some free nights if you are in the area and want to schedule us to share with a small group or whatever. We will travel to WY from WA and speak at a new supporting church in Alpine on July 7th. We will be back in Portland for a meeting on the 11th and speak at a reception for Willamette Christian Church on the afternoon of the 14th. If you live in any of these areas and want details let me know.

Next update I hope to have some stories to share from our two camps in Greece. The men's camp was the first week in June and I know several men were baptized but I don't have details yet. The family camp is just finishing up this weekend. These camps are always a highlight for the refugees and for our team as well. I am anxious to hear how they went and will pass along that information to you.

I will close now because I need to get some reports done for International Teams. We love you all and had hoped to spend more time during the week visiting but right now the medical stuff is taking quite a bit of that time. Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support - I cringe a bit every time they order another costly test because right now our insurance for the states pays 80% and we pay 20% I believe there is a cap of $3000 on that which I am sure we will hit. God has been gracious to provide for our every need however and he has done that through your willingness to share with us. Thank you SO much for your generosity.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #18


We have been so busy I have not found time to write my updates like I should. We finished up fixing the house in CA - new lights, mirror, patching the roof, repairing the eaves, repairing and painting a big planter on the side of the house, fixing nail holes, repainting, washing walls, fixing the shower and tub and on and on..... It was a big job and there were days I could hardly walk at the end of the day and even Kent was feeling pretty weary. We finished on the Sunday before Memorial Day and spent that day with our family. On the following morning we left for the two day drive to OR. We arrived here about noon on Wednesday. We visited with my folks and then moved into a friend's house in Veneta, they are away for the summer so are graciously letting us use their house. We moved in and spent the next morning cleaning and getting settled before spending the afternoon with my folks again as well as our daughter Katie. Yesterday we awoke to the horrible smell of something burning. We searched the house and finally determined that it was the water heater. When the electrician came it was all melted and burnt inside - it is a wonder it didn't start a fire. After opening windows and trying to air things out most of the smell is gone but we still have a fan running. We spent the day while waiting for the electrician washing down the porches, weeding the flower beds, edging the lawn and mowing. The place looks so much better! Our friends have a few maintenance projects for us while we are here so that will keep Kent busy.

Before we left CA we had a chance to share with a couple of small groups in the area about the ministry. We kick off our speaking engagements here tomorrow at Fern Ridge Christian Church (formerly Elmira Church of Christ) on Warthen Rd. We will be sharing at Sunday School 9:30am and Kent will be preaching at 10:45. There will be a potluck afterwards if you would like to join us. I will try to keep you updated on future speaking engagements.

The work continues in Greece. Our team just returned to work this week after their spring retreat. It was good for them to have some rest as they have been a bit shorthanded. They are gearing up for the summer camps coming up in June. I wanted to share a story that a friend wrote to me about our friend "Z" who has only been a Christian for less than a year.

"Yesterday at work a woman thanked me for everything we do for her. She said Christians are nothing like she was told and she can't believe how much we hug and kiss her children even when they are dirty. I told her not to thank me but to thank Jesus because He is the reason we do what we do. She asked why Jesus mattered. "Z" put up her hand to me and said, "Let me take over". She then shared the Gospel for twenty or so minutes and answered questions after that. It started out with three women, but ended with seven women, one of them coming over from another table because she wanted to listen. She did such a good job!"

It is so wonderful to have these new believers sharing with their peers. It is so much more effective than when we alone share. Please pray for the new believers especially the women as it is difficult to be bold about their faith when they have so much to lose. They risk being ostracized by the other women and even abused. It is also a risk for the men but sometimes they are more able to defend themselves.

We are enjoying our time in the states and are amazed that time is whizzing by so fast and we have been away for a month and a half already. We look forward to our speaking and teaching schedule and seeing our supporters. I will also have my first doctor appointment next week so pray that I can get in to see the appropriate specialists to look in to some of my health issues. Thank you for upholding us and the team in Greece. We love you all and look forward to seeing some of you soon.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)