Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #34


Sorry I have not been very good about my updates. We finished the Christmas parties and I intended to write about them and then came down very sick with an awful cold/ flu thing about mid week last week. Yesterday I finally felt well enough to shovel out the house a bit - I had done nothing for a week. I was pretty tired but decided to mop the floor because there were a couple of coffee spills that had been mocking me for days. This may have been a mistake or it may have happened anyway due to the fact that I have not been able to take my Enbrel for 2 weeks because of being sick but whatever the reason, my back went out. By the time I managed to shower, I couldn't even stand to dry my hair. I had some pain medication from my knee injury so took some which allowed me to get up and down without actually screaming - just a lot of sucking in air between my teeth and doing my Lamaze breathing. I am a bit better today but still taking pain meds - hopefully I will be better tomorrow because we are planning to have a houseful of team mates and refugee friends on Christmas.

Christmas Parties: There were a few near disasters along the way but the parties went of wonderfully with the refugees having no idea of the drama going on behind the scenes. The first problem came the day of the first party. Kent and I and Dirrims went to Jumbo (our version of Walmart) to pick up the 500 Christmas gifts (of about 5 items each) that we had ordered. They were to be ready by 10am. This is our third year doing it this way and it has been no problem. They are prepaid, so they just have them bagged up and ready to go. When we got there no bags were sitting by the door or behind the counter. The guy at the desk did some checking and finally said. " It's no problem - your things are here they are just downstairs and we need to get them together for you. We can have them ready by 1pm. " We said "No that IS a problem because we have to take them in to town which takes an hour and then wrap them all and our party starts at 5pm. We MUST have them by 12 noon at the LATEST". They said okay and Kent said now don't say okay and then decide you'll just have them later we need them by noon for sure! They kind of hemmed and hawed around but finally said okay for SURE by noon. When we arrived at noon - no packages. We kept bugging and bugging and finally at 12:30 they told us to go up to the cash register and our stuff was there. To get upstairs you must walk through every aisle of this huge store on both floors. They have made it so you cannot cut through at any point so we took off at a run dodging our way around Christmas shoppers. We got upstairs and there were lines stretching across the store at each cash register. We say them taking our stuff on carts down to the end where there was an unused cash register so we thought since we had already paid they would just print up an invoice there. We stood there for a few minutes and finally the manager came over and said "Now you will go through register #6." We said "You are NOT going to make us wait in line behind all those people after we have been here for almost 3 hours are you!?" But indeed he was so there was nothing to do but get in line with these huge carts. When it was finally our turn they rang everything up and it came out to the right amount but I mentioned to Lisa that they were ringing it up from a list not from what was on the carts. When we had the invoice they said "Now we must count the items" Come to find out these were just boxes of our items and needed to all be opened and counted to get the amount we had ordered. There were extras of some things, not enough of some things, and some things were missing altogether. What a nightmare! At 1:45 we asked if we could start loading the stuff that had already been counted into the cars. He said No - just wait a minute. At 2:00 our Greek director got on the phone with him and said we MUST load the things that were ready and he said it would only be a few more minutes. I grabbed a cart and Kent grabbed a cart and we just took it outside and started loading it up. We finally arrived at the ARC a little after 3pm. The gifts all had to be sorted and bagged and our church was coming at 4pm to set the tables and prepare the food. The doors opened at 5. We finished the gifts at sometime after 4 but miraculously by the time we opened the doors at 5 the room was beautiful and serene with candle lit tables and soft music playing.

Our second disaster happened on Thursday night. There had been some miscommunication with the church and they had not brought sodas so some of our men had gone out to buy and carry back 24 large bottles of soda. Other than that things were going okay and Ilir (who is our general maintenance guy) said "I'm going to go out and run an quick errand with my wife since there is nothing I need to do here" I said "Sure". About 5 minutes later someone came running out of the kitchen saying "Where's Ilir?" I told them and they said "The oven isn't working" This was a problem because we were serving chicken and to cook enough for 180 people we do 3 batches of 60 pieces each. The last batch was about 1/2 way done cooking. When Ilir got back he got the repair guy and called the parts shop and asked them to stay open late - he was then running back and forth for parts in order to get the oven fixed so we could use it the next day for the party then. Out in the main room once again the candles glowed, the music played and refugees relaxed and smiled. Inside the kitchen the stove was pulled out in the middle of the kitchen while the kitchen workers madly fried the rest of the chicken in a big pot of oil, dished up salads and served desserts. We always tell people flexibility is key in this ministry and we prove it over and over!

Despite our near disasters this is always such a special day. One young girl told Tasha - This is the best day of my life! Another women said "I will keep this with me always". Their lives are so hard and if even for this one day we can give them something to remember all the hustle and bustle and frantic planning just seem to melt away. As I tell the Christmas story and relate it to THEIR story - the long journey, the need for rest, looking for shelter - in short remembering that Jesus was a refugee, I am always reminded anew that these people understand much better than I do what Jesus gave up and went through - for us. Kent dressed as a shepherd this year to talk about how Jesus came as a Shepherd to carry us home to God.

There is one last party this week in Patras - some of our men go up regularly and help out at a church that is reaching out to refugees in this port city about 2 hours from here. Kent and I were able to help with buying the gifts for the about 40 men expected at this party. Each month we set aside a small part of our salary to go for something special for refugees - this is what we used for this. We also bought a warm coat for a refugee friend of Kent's, helped with groceries for a family and rent for another friend. This is another way that you, our financial supporters supply the needs of refugees here in Greece. Thank you for making this possible. Thank you again to all of you who gave for Christmas and for sleeping bags. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #32

Everyone -

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in America. This was always a day when we gathered as a family. Sometimes it was just the family in our area. Sometimes we traveled to be with family who lived away and sometime people came to us but always there was family. There was food. LOTS of food. I always cooked a turkey of at least 20 pounds, often getting up at 5am to get in in the oven to be ready at 1:00. People made their signature dishes and Kent always sculpted the mashed potatoes into something amazing. The kitchen was a busy place and "too many cooks" only made it more fun. There was laughter and reminiscing - my mother always managing to say to me "don't drop the turkey" bringing back to mind the year this actually happened. I miss my family. But God has also given me a family here. On Saturday, 22 of us gathered at a friend's house to have Thanksgiving dinner together. I cooked one of the turkeys (we had two). I didn't need to get up early to put this bird in the oven in fact it was done in only 3 hours. The largest turkey you can find here is 3400g or about 7 pounds. People made their signature dishes, Tasha's grandma's potatoes, Lisa's rolls and even though McCracken's have moved back to the USA their broccoli casserole still appeared on the menu. The kitchen was busy, there was laughter and reminiscing and it was good to be together. I'm thankful.

This week we are gearing up for our Christmas Parties. On Monday we decorated the ARC. It was fun to see the kids excitement as they entered for family meal day yesterday. Next week we will be closed for our regular programs and we are having 3 parties with 150 guests at each. That's 450 meals, 450 gift bags and 450 smiles. We will also have a 4th party for believers with about 50 guests. There is still much to be done. I need to get the puppets out and costumed. Kent needs to prepare his object lesson. We are practicing our Christmas songs in Farsi and we will have a long day setting up for the parties, packing bags etc. In the midst of this there has been a sore throat/ cold bug going around and Lisa our Christmas Coordinator has been hit with it. Please pray that she and all the members of the team will be able to stay well these next weeks and that everything will fall into place. I have also been feeling a bit "under the weather" for a few weeks. When you have a compromised immune system it is sometimes tricky to know what to be concerned about and what is just "the way it is". Please pray that I will get back to feeling 100%. Several of our staff are leaving following the Christmas parties so we will be a bit short handed in the two weeks before Christmas, pray for God to send those who will "stand in the gap".

It is still not too late if you would like to donate toward our Christmas parties. You can do so by following the instruction at the bottom of this letter on How to join our support team. Only INSTEAD of designating For the Ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley designate Helping Hands Athens - Christmas. Thank you all for your faithful support and prayers - have a wonderful Thanksgiving whether it is filled with family or a time to reflect on your own. Our daughter wrote that our grandson (7 years old) made a list of the things he was thankful for. #1 A head. She asked him about it and he said "Well if I didn't have a head I would be dead!" No matter what our circumstances we can find something to be thankful for!

Serving Him Together,

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #31

Everyone -

It was a good week. Friday was one of those days when I think - THIS is why I love what I do. We had a great day in the kids room. We started out with playing some games, then singing some Farsi songs and having a lesson from the wordless book. We watched a video of the miracles of Jesus (it seemed funny to me because the audio was in Finnish but to the kids it didn't matter because they can't understand anyway) Liisa translated into Farsi. After that we set up to do a craft. We had several new families that day and one of the girls was in our class and seemed very happy to be there. She was not quite finished with her craft when her parents came to get her to leave. She wanted to finish and often parents are insensitive to this and will just make their children leave anyway but they told her to finish while they waited. We were helping her to hurry and we encouraging her sayng "Khali zeba" (very pretty) and "ah fa reem" (good job). Her parents seemed so happy that we were helping her. When she finished Liisa told them in Dari that she could either take it home or leave it on the wall (most kids leave theirs) they said "Take it home!". They seemed so happy and grateful with all we did and kept saying "Tashacoor" (thank you) as they left.

After the children's room closed I had a chance to sit with some of the women (which I don't get to do very often). I was trying to practice some of my Farsi (often much to their amusement). I know the words for "sit down" "listen" and "be quiet" from working in the kids room. Tasha was doing something crazy and I said to her in a fairly loud harsh voice "Bishi, Goosh Ga, Sarket!" I looked up and several men around the room were looking over to see what in the world was going on in the women's corner - we got a good laugh out of that.

This week Dr. J went on an out of town trip for a few days and when Kent took him to the airport he asked Kent if S and the kids could maybe stay with us because she hadn't been feeling very well and was a bit nervous about being alone. Our house is full right now (we have two intern girls staying with us) so we called our pastor who lives at a sports center (think playground, soccer fields etc) to see if maybe she could stay with them. Fotis, our pastor was gone but his wife Mary felt the Lord asking her to have S come anyway so Kent picked her and the children up after school and took them there. Mary said that the Lord's hand was really in it because she had forgotten that they had a family from India staying there as well and the wife and S spoke the same language and spent quite some time talking. The other couple also had a little girl so the children had a wonderful time playing together. God is good - please keep praying for Dr. J and S.

We had a busy weekend getting ready for and welcoming a short term team. They are a church called Glad Tidings from Omaha Nebraska and come each year about this time. The team leaders are the same so they know what they are doing and it makes it very easy for us. They are a great team and spent their first day with jet lag doing a bunch of heavy duty cleaning and clothes sorting.

We are gearing up for our Christmas programs which are coming up the first week in December. This is such a great time to share with refugees who might not normally stay to hear the message on a Tuesday who Jesus is and why He came. Along with their other small gifts the adults receive the Jesus DVD in Farsi and the children will have a coloring book with the Christmas Story in Farsi. If you want to donate toward our Christmas programs or towards sleeping bags for the winter please see To join our support team: at the bottom of this page and follow the instructions except instead of designating for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley designate Helping Hands Athens - Christmas OR Helping Hands Athens - Sleeping Bags.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support, we are so blessed to have such a wonderful extended team. We could not do it without you.

Serving Him Together,

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #30


I am going to try and get back into the swing of writing weekly. This week was a bit different because Thursday through Monday morning the team was at a hotel just outside Athens for our fall planning retreat. We have two retreats a year. Every month each person on the team contributes to our team fund - we use this money to pay for team retreats and a few other small items that we do as a team throughout the year. Our spring retreat is a time to rest and refresh, our fall retreat is a working retreat where we look at our ministries, our schedule, personnel issues, future plans etc. This retreat was a good time of reflecting on what the Lord has done in this past year in the ministry and in our personal lives. It was also a good time to tweak some things in the ministry and try to answer questions or address underlying issues that have come up. We have seen much fruit in this last year especially among the Afghan women with many coming to the Lord and those that have come to the Lord beginning to be more bold about speaking out. We talked about the need to disciple some of these believers (both men and women) and to make sure that they are getting plugged in to fellowship. Pray for Kent and I as we determine how to use our personal ministry time and who God is asking us to spend extra time discipling over the next weeks and months.

Monday on our way home from the retreat we stopped at the airport and picked up Janneke (pronounced Yanaka) the young Dutch women who will be living with us for the next three weeks. She speaks very good English and is easy to have in our home. She is looking for a place to serve long term so please pray that the Lord will guide her and the team here whether this might be the place for her. We had planned to go back to the airport at 6pm and pick up Aunie the young American woman who will be with us for 6 weeks but due to her first flight being delayed she missed her connecting flight so did not arrive in Athens until 1am in the morning. Kent went to the airport to get her and I got up to greet her and settle her in when they got home at 2am. Though she was exhausted she did not sleep well so stayed home on Tuesday to rest and settle in while Janneke and we were at Farsi Family meal and outreach.

It was a good day in the kids room Our story that day was Jonah, and "G" read from a Farsi children's book that we have. It does a good job of telling the story and the kids did a lot of giggling in some places especially with the illustrations. Afterwards we asked them some questions. One of them said Jonah was a prophet so we talked about how a prophet was a person that God used to speak to the people. I said that now we have the Bible to read and know what God says but they did not have that so God used prophets that he spoke to and told them what to say. One of the boys raised his hand and asked how God spoke to them. I told them that sometime he spoke out loud like with Moses and the burning bush but that sometime I thought he just spoke in their minds. BUT I made it very clear that these men were chosen by God and knew that it was God speaking, it wasn't just something they made up. I said that there were people that the Bible says were false prophets, people that pretended God was speaking to them so that they could tell the people what to do.

Later I also talked to the kids about Jonah getting swallowed by the fish. I asked them if that was usually a good thing - I said "When you are swimming, do you think 'I hope I get swallowed by a big fish'?" They said "No". I said but in this case what would seem like a bad thing God used to save Jonah. So sometimes God uses even things that seem like bad things in our lives to help us and to do good for us. When bad things happen we can always pray and ask God to help us through them and ask him if he can use this thing to do something good in our life. Not a bad lesson for any of us.

It thundered and there was lightening last night and it is supposed to rain today - I need to go grocery shopping (I walk) and I am getting a scratchy throat - there has been a bad cold/flu going around so I am hoping it is just a scratchy throat and will not turn in to something more. Thank you all for your prayers.

Serving Him Together,

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #29

Everyone -

I can't believe we have now been back in Greece for two weeks. We spent our first few days settling in, putting things away and finding things. When 5 different groups live in your house things get put away in odd places. Just when I think we are getting into a routine things change. We struggled with jet leg but finally settled into a normal sleeping pattern and then we changed our clocks back. We worked a regular week and then this week we will leave on a retreat. We got settled in and put things away and then next week we will have two girls living with us for 6 weeks so I need to rearrange for that. I guess I had forgotten how much of life here is about change.

On Saturday night we were invited to attend the wedding of our landlord's daughter. It was an orthodox wedding so we were excited to see the different cultural and religious traditions. The wedding was a lot of chanting by the priests but near the end they put the bridal crowns (like in my big fat Greek wedding) on their heads and walked them around the altar. Then the priest said some personal words to the bride and groom and their family. The wedding started at 7pm and we left the church at around 8:30 pm to drive to the reception about 20 minutes away. When we arrived there we waited some time and then the parents of the bride went to each table and greeted each person. Then the bride and groom came and there were toasts by the bride's parents. The food was buffet style and the bride and groom's table went last. When they finished the bride and groom went to each table and greeted each person and both set of parents went to each table and greeted each person. Of course all this took time. Then the dancing started, first Greek dancing for some time and then modern dancing. At about 11pm, I asked the brides cousin if they would have a wedding cake. She said "Oh yes a big one but they will not do it for a while yet." It was after midnight when we decided to call it a night and the dancing was still going on with no cake in sight. The next morning about noon we saw the whole family (including the bride and groom) looking sleepy and wearing slippers, robes etc. walking some of the rest of the family to their cars. I guess we just don't have the stamina for Greek celebrations. Sadly there was no plate breaking either.

On Monday we had a team meeting and team fellowship at our house. Kent and I both said we felt a little disconnected after being gone so long but it was good to see everyone and to begin to get up to speed on what is happening. Tuesday was our first day back to work. I received many warm hugs and kisses from women and children and Kent was greeting happily by some of his men friends as well. There were a lot of new faces and many faces missing as people have moved on and new ones have come.

Wednesday Kent went in to Men's Day. Thursday we invited Dr. J and his family over. We picked them up at the metro and we all went to a nearby beach for a while. The kids and Kent and Dr. J played in the water and built a sand castle and I sat on the beach and talked with "S". She recently took an exam that would allow her to practice medicine in the UK and other EU countries but missed passing it by only a few points. She will take it again in January. In the meantime she is studying hard and Dr. J is putting in many hours at the nursing home which provides them with their small income. Please pray from them - pray for the strain of financial stress and emotional stress after being apart so long. Also pray for "S" to pass her test in January and for God's provision until then. Pray that Kent and I will know how to best support and be there for them as well.

Friday was Tea House day and it was very different than when we used to have it on Saturdays before we left. Because many of the children are in school on this day it is much calmer and less hectic. When it came time to watch a video the kids all said they wanted the "Christmas" one. It was a simple cartoon of the biblical Christmas story in English but our new team mate Liisa translated into Farsi as it went along. The kids were mesmerized. I honestly have never seen them so quiet for a video. I ordered some more bible story videos from Amazon and had them sent to an intern arriving next week. Hopefully they will enjoy them just as much. Before we left Greece I had not been able to handle coming for Tea House because I just wasn't feeling well enough so I was pleased to see that by the end of the day I still felt good.

Monday was a holiday (OXI day) a very patriotic day for Greeks when they stood against the demands of Mussolini and just said "OXI" (NO). On Tues. in the children's room we had the story of Noah. Ritsa was asking the kids whether it was easy for Noah to obey and what the other people probably thought about what Noah was doing. They said they probably laughed at him. Ritsa asked if we ever found ourselves in the same situation. The kids didn't respond so I shared that when we felt God was telling us to come to Greece to tell refugees about Jesus some of our friends were saying "That is foolish, you can't leave your family and your home and go there". But we had to listen to God and we have not been sorry even though it is hard sometimes to be so far away. I finished by saying that if they ever felt like God was telling them to do something they needed to obey and not worry what other people thought - they would not be sorry. I then realized that "M" a woman who has been wavering about making a decision for Jesus was sitting in the room that day with her son. I looked at her and she was listening intently. She is leaving the country legally soon - please pray that she will listen to what she knows God is saying to her.

We leave tomorrow for our fall retreat. It is a working retreat with LOTS of meetings and planning. We will be reviewing all of our ministries and making decisions about them. Please pray for unity and pray that as many personalities, and passions come together that we will be able to hold our opinions and agendas lightly making room to listen to each other and to God. Thank you for your constant love and support - we are so thankful to be part of such a wonderful team of people. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #28


Well in a couple of days we will be winging our way back across the ocean to our home in Greece. When we left it seemed that the 6 months stretched endlessly before us and now we look back wondering where it went. We had many special times with our family and friends, most notably spending a week in Mexico with our family for our daughter Becky's wedding. We celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. We went from spring flowers, to wild flowers and on to fall leaves. We ate corn on the cob, berry cobbler made from wild blackberries we picked ourselves and more fast food than we should have. We shopped 'til we dropped, went to movies and even went to Disneyland (on FREE tickets). We hiked, and swam and played golf. We spent time with our grandkids and kids - we played Pinochle, Pictionary, Sorry and Liar's Dice. We went to garage sales, antique stores and flea markets. We stopped at farm stands at first buying things like strawberries and this week buying pumpkins. We had long walks and longs talks. We drove from CA to OR to WA to WY back to OR and CA again. We spoke to 14 different groups and did a week long VBS doing the mission thought for the kids and teaching the adult class. We attended Winema Week of Missions where we had a display and shared about our work. I saw 7 different doctors, gave countless samples of blood and had multitudes of tests. I'm not sure we came to any good conclusions but we didn't come to any bad ones either.

Now we look forward to returning to our home in Greece and the work God has called us to. It will be hard to leave our family, it will be hard to leave the beautiful countryside and with all the green trees and fields to return to life in the city. It will be hard to return to struggling with language. But it will be good. It will be good to see our team mates and refugee friends. It will be good to settle into our home again and be in the same bed every night. It will be good to go to the ARC and be with the kids, hugging the ones I know and meeting the ones who have come in the time I have been away. It will be good to see the smiles and get the kisses that will come when I greet the women I have not seen in so long. It will be good to cook for our community group guys again and to meet new guys that Kent is sure to bring home for dinner. Thank you all for walking with us on this journey - my leg is healing though it is still somewhat sore and tends to swell up a bit when I'm on it too long. I went to the doctor this week again just to be sure there were no blood clots but they said I just have two large hematomas that will just take time to heal. Thank you for all your prayers and your continual support. Our next update will be from Greece!

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Morley Update 2012 #27

Everyone -

We have settled in at our daughter house in MA and are greatly enjoying our family here. We have our two married daughters Allison, her husband Dave and their two kids Emma and Adam and Becky and her husband Todd - though he has been away caring for his brother who has been recovering from brain surgery in North Carolina and will be home this week. We also have my sister Amy. Last week we were all together (except Todd) for my birthday dinner. I turned 60 which had really been bothering me quite a bit earlier in the year - it just seem unavoidably OLD. However once the day came it was fine. We are enjoying playing with our grandkids who make us laugh every day. We love sitting at the bar in the kitchen visiting with our daughter as she whips up wonderful gourmet meals. We had a great time going to garage sales with both of our daughters and my sister yesterday. This week we will be spending a couple of days helping my sister with some bigger projects she is needing to get done at her beach house. I should more accurately say Kent will be doing most of the work - my leg is still bothering me quite a bit and I may need to go back to the doctor and have it looked at this week just to be sure before we head home to Greece.

Our time in the USA has flown by and we are looking forward to having these last couple of weeks to rest and recuperate. We couldn't find a more beautiful place to do that than New England in the fall - the leaves are beginning to turn and there is a crispness in the air in the morning. The farm stands are in full swing with fresh cider and donuts, pumpkins and chrysanthemums, corn mazes and hay rides. I will write one more update before we return. We are anxious to be back at work and I am ready to settle into our home and make it ours again. Even as I am writing this Kent is talking with our team mate and planning a big dinner at our home the week after we return. I will close now because my daughter has my waffle ready - we love you all.

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #26


Several people have been wanting to know what has happened with all my doctor tests so I wanted to write an update mostly about that. After many different scans, tests, blood workups, etc. Here is what they came up with. There seems to be no reason that my blood should be forming clots regularly so they have taken me off the blood thinners and I am taking an aspirin a day. My brain scan was in the neurologist's word "pristine" and he does not feel I have had a stroke but have been experiencing visual migraines. He has me on a new medication and since being on it I have only had a couple of short incidents of double vision and he told me if I started having problems I could double the dose. My heart looked fine except for some normal "aging". My inflammatory arthritis is in good control but I have severe osteoarthritis in my knees and back.

When they did a scan of my abdomen - they did a scan of my organs and I have some lesions in both kidneys. They don't know what these are so they did a second scan this week. They have remained stable. The doctor said that normally he would like to scan them again in a few months to see if there was still no change but he didn't know what to do since I was leaving. I told him that when I had my mammogram last month they found some calcifications that the radiologist said he wanted to look at again in 6 months. I said "how about a year since I don't live here?" He said "No, 6 months." I calculated and realized that 6 months would be February which happens to be the month of my mother's 90th birthday so I told him I would fly back for my mom's birthday and he could do another scan. When my other doctor heard this he was pleased and said they would scan my kidneys then as well and if the lesions remained stable then he would feel more comfortable leaving them for a longer time.

SO we were happy to be done with doctors and planned to spend the last few days here in OR with our family and then on Wednesday after seeing my primary care doctor one last time we planned to head out to CA to spend some time with Kent's Dad and his wife and other family there. However on Saturday Kent and I and Kate, our daughter, decided to do an easy 2 mile hike in to Sweet Creek Falls and then go over to the coast for the day. About a mile in to the hike I was going down some steep flat rocks to get a picture I wanted and slipped. I fell twisting my knee behind me. I managed to limp back to the car and we came home. I iced it and elevated it that day but yesterday we decided I needed to go to urgent care. Nothing was broken and the doctor believes it is just sprained but said it is hard to examine properly when it is so swollen and I am in so much pain. So today I am getting a splint put on it (they were closed yesterday) and I will have my primary care doctor check it again on Wednesday to see if she thinks it needs further attention. It is still painful this morning but seems a little less stiff so that is good I think. I believe we will still be able to leave OR on Wednesday as planned.

The team in Greece is back from the conference in Germany and the programs at the ARC are in full swing. Several people on the team were able to connect with refugees we knew in Greece who have moved on to Germany so that was very special. Pray for the team as they continue on. Pray for our new teammates as they navigate the system in getting permits, setting up a home, getting electricity etc. Pray for us as we travel and pray for healing for my knee. Thank you for upholding us during this protracted time away. Though we look forward to more family time we are both ready to be back and getting on with the work God has for us. We love you all and are so happy that we got to see so many of you - If we missed you we are sorry but know that we appreciate you and couldn't do what we do without you.

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #25


We spent the last week resting and spending time reconnecting with family. On Monday the 12th we joined Kent's dad Charles and his wife Lee, and sister Nadene and her husband Don, in a house up on the Little North Fork of the Santiam River. It's a large house with a deck overlooking the creek below. Thursday we were joined by our sister in law Barb, her son Seth and his wife Christi along with their two children Ivy and Isaiah. Our daughter Katie and our son Ben also joined us that night. Friday our niece Tammy came and Saturday Katie's boyfriend John arrived. On Sunday afternoon there was an influx of another aunt and uncle and 5 more cousins for the afternoon. Since there was no internet we spent the time playing family games, hiking to waterfalls, swimming, reading and having a family sing along. We have a weird family tradition of singing "Rocky Top" on Christmas. I know this is not your typical Christmas song but then we are definitely not your typical family. We broke tradition this year and sang Rocky Top along with old Gospel with some Neil Diamond, Johnny Cash and even a little Elton John thrown in. I love being a part of this crazy, fun loving, close knit family I married into.

After we left the house there on Monday the 19th we drove 1/2 hour to where my brother's family had joined together with another family who are close friends for their own mini reunion. We were just going to pop in to say hello but they talked us in to spending the night. There were 7 kids under the age of 6 in the house when everyone was there. I especially enjoyed visiting with my little great nieces from England and listening to their adorable British accents. I had a chance for a good talk with my niece from England and another chance to sit and chat with my other niece from Portland who I have seen but haven't had one on one time with - both of them are beautiful wives and mothers. Kent spent much of his time out in the boat with my brother water skiing. He had a great time but did ask after we got home where the Advil was so I think he found a few muscles he hadn't used in a while.

We are now settled back in at Veneta and will stay put for a little while - YAY! We are speaking at Bethany Church in Franklin on Sunday. In Greece most of the team is away in Germany for the International Teams European Conference. Pray that the team will be able to connect with some of our refugee friends who have moved on to Germany while they are there. Pray that the team will be rested and refreshed by their time away. Our new teammates have moved into our house in Greece and are getting settled. Please pray from them as they get the kids registered in school, find an apartment, and get moved, decide on a language school etc. They have been serving for the last 4 years in Afghanistan so already speak Dari but want to learn Greek. Because they are EU citizens they do not need to go through the process of getting a resident permit etc. which is a big load off their plate but there will still be plenty of adjustments. Since they lived with us for a week and a half this spring they at least know how to get around the city and where the shops are etc. Time is flying by and we can't believe it near the end of August already. Thank you all for your prayers and support during our home assignment. We have so enjoyed getting to see some of you and hope to see more of you in the coming weeks. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #24


Just a quick update. We had a lovely week last week. We stayed in Turner OR in a little Apartment provided for us on the Convention Grounds. In the Evenings we were the Mission Speakers at Vacation Bible School. Kent taught the adult class and together we gave a 15 minute presentation to the kids and adults each night. An offering was collected that we will take with us when we return to Greece and buy food for a grocery give away - it was a small VBS but they raised 300 dollars.

Because we were doing a new presentation each night it kept me hopping to find new ways to present what we were doing. On the last night we played a Refugee Game. We had a Boy and a Girl represent the two teams. Their starting scenario was this:
Girl: You are a 12 year old girl and so you are not allowed to go to school past 5th grade. Soon you will be sold to marry an older man. Your mother decides to take you and your sisters and run away
Boy: Your family is accused of working against the government and now the Taliban is trying to put you in prison or kill your whole family. Your family decides to leave.
The game was played by taking turns choosing box #1 or box #2. These were up on the screen and were revealed after they were chosen. The choices were things like:
1) You have enough money to pay a smuggler to take you out of the country – ahead 1 space/ You don’t have money for a smuggler so go into hiding – stay where you are

2) Your father finds a little work so you can buy food to feed your family – ahead 1 space/ Without work your family is hungry and you must look for food in the garbage cans along the street – stay where you are

3) In Athens you are living in the park, it is cold and you are frightened because some nights men come to the park and begin to beat any refugees they find – back 1 space/ You found a room to share with two other families – it is crowded and dirty but at least you are off the street and safe at night. – ahead 1 space.

4) You hear about a place called Helping Hands and go there – ahead 1 space/ You try to get help but most people turn you away telling you that they don’t want you and to go back where you came from – back 1 space

5) At Helping Hands you get to take a shower and wash your clothes – ahead 1 space/ You have no where to take a bath and your clothes are dirty and smelly – back 1 space

6) You talk to the people at Helping Hands and they tell you how much God loves you and they teach you to pray – ahead 1 space/ You don’t feel like anyone loves you and you have no one to talk to – back 1 space

These are just a few of the choices but you get the idea. The last choice was this:

You finally get asylum and go to another country – Go to the finish/ You are denied asylum and sent back to your country – Back to the beginning.

At first it seemed a little mean to have the whole game win or lose hang on the last question but this is the reality of being a refugee. We have known refugees who have made it to a new country. They found a job, got an apartment, made a life and a year later were picked up for not having the proper papers and sent back to Greece where they had nothing.

Since the VBS was in the evening this left us with the day free (once we had our lessons prepared) to relax. One day we went to Silver Creek Falls a lovely state park with 10 different water falls - I hiked to 4 of them - Kent did all 10. Another day we did a little shopping and then met some friends who live in the area for a long lunch. One day we took our great niece and nephew to lunch and then out to see an animated film. It was a good week. We are back in Veneta for a few days before we go back to the Salem area to spend a few days staying at a house up on the Santiam with some of our family. There will be 19 of us for 4 days so it should be a great time. The team is Greece is getting ready to be closed for 2 weeks as most of the team heads to Germany to attend the International Teams Convention. It will also be a chance to connect with a few refugee friends who have moved on to that area. Pray for them - I know the team is tired and in need of a break. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #23


I have found it is much easier to keep up with my weekly updates when we are in a regular routine. Sorry they have been a bit sporadic. Since I last wrote we spent some time with Willamette Christian Church in West Linn who have been faithful supporters from the beginning of our ministry. We met with their missions team, got to share with their leadership and join them for their morning prayer session and do a small group presentation in the evening. They also graciously printed up some prayer cards that we needed for our time at Week of Missions.

After a week spent at home working on presentations for a VBS and making a backdrop for Week of Missions as well as seeing a few friends, we left last Saturday and headed to the Salem area. We attended a school reunion for Kent on Saturday and attended church with friends in Salem on Sunday morning. We then drove an hour and a half over to the coast to set up our display at Winema Week of Missions. This is a big conference that is held every year at the coast which focuses on missions and brings together missionaries from all over to share what God is doing in the world. We set up our display and then headed back to Salem again to speak at Turner Christian Church for their evening service. This church is always a joy to speak at because many of the congregation are retired ministers, missionaries, bible professors or other people who were in full time Christian service - talk about preaching to the choir! They are always so encouraging and engaged in what we are doing.

After the service we drove back to the coast in time to climb into our bunk for the night. We spent the week listening to speakers, networking with other missionaries and sharing about our work with anyone who was interested. What we DIDN'T spend our time doing was walking on the beach in the sunshine. It was cloudy and cold all week and even drizzled several times. The only afternoon it was sunny at all was the afternoon that we were scheduled to give a presentation in the small chapel during the afternoon free time. The leader stood up to dismiss people and said "Get out there and enjoy the sun this afternoon because this is the only break we are supposed to get. For those interested Kent and Myrna Morley will be presenting their work in the chapel at 2:00." We learned a long time ago not to worry about how many people come to a presentation. Our job is to be there and share and God is able to bring the people in that he wants to hear.

A highlight of the week for us was that one of the main speakers was Fouad Masri the author of the Bridges series on How to Reach Muslims. We had been led through this series by a team mate who had taken the class in Spain. Fouad is from Lebanon and is a real ball of fire for the Lord. He was very encouraging to us in our work and is sending us materials to use in training our team. He also has said that he would like to visit us in Greece and see the work there for himself and to be an encouragement to the team.

We are back in Veneta for one day doing laundry and repacking our suitcase. We will be leaving in the morning to be in the Salem area next week as we participate in a VBS at Turner Christian Church. It is an evening VBS and we will be the missionary speakers and Kent will also be teaching the adult class.

News from Greece: The summer programs are in full swing. We have two interns as well as a short term team from Omaha in Greece at this time. Muslims are still celebrating Ramadan (July8-Aug 7). This is a time when they are fasting and seeking God. It is a time of spiritual warfare especially for new believers. Several men in the discipleship class reported feeling a lack of mental clarity and struggling with fatigue more than usual. Pray for protection for believers. This is also a time when God often uses dreams to speak to Muslim people. Pray that for those who are genuinely seeking truth, God will reveal himself to them.

Please pray for our friend "Ch". He is the young blind man we have shared about. Recently someone stole his keys and he was locked out of his house for two days. A friend looked through the window and everything in the house had been stolen including his laptop. One of our team mates has been working on getting him some software for the blind and it is supposed to be arriving in August. The team will be meeting with him to see how we can help.

I was encouraged in reading the last team meeting notes at how many Bible studies are happening. There is a seeker/believers class on Friday after tea house, a discipling class for new believers on Monday and Thursday (in cooperation with two other ministries), there is the men's question and answer time on Wednesday afternoon, and two women's bible studies on Thursdays one in the mornings and one in the afternoons. There is also a group that meets after the International Christian Fellowship Church on Sunday to discuss the sermon and worship and fellowship in Farsi - a couple of our team is involved in this. God is at work in Greece - His Word is going our and it will not return empty! Thank you for joining with us and with God in this work.

Serving Him Together,

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #22

Everyone -

We had a great trip to WY. It was wonderful to once again connect with long time friends - it is amazing to think that we have all been friends for over 40 years. We lived near each other and spent time together when we were young marrieds and starting to have families but then scattered to different areas. The ties have remained strong however and though we don't see each other often we seem to be able to pick up the threads of our friendship easily. As we sat around the table or the living room, there were sweet times of laughter (some of it uncontrollable) as we reminisced and told stories. There were also tears as we went deeper and shared struggles and heartaches both past and ongoing. We had discussions on deep topics like marriage and healing, as well as things like whether bacon should be turned when cooking it in the oven, and the proper rules to Aggravation and Quarkle. Kent was in heaven as he operated different pieces of large machinery around the place and I reveled in the green grass and the quiet garden nestled next to a little stream that seemed to beckon to me from my window.

On Sunday we were blessed to share with our newest supporting church, Morning Star Baptist Church in Alpine, WY. We spoke at the morning service and then afterwards many of the congregation gathered at our friend Jim and Linda's house for a BBQ. We got a chance to visit with individuals and Kent joined in the afternoon volleyball game. That evening several people from the missions committee as well as others who were interested in learning more gathered again in Jim and Linda's living room for a more in depth presentation and a question and answer time. It was a day well spent. We have said to all of our churches that we do not want to be just a "name on the wall". We don't want people to say "Morleys? Oh yeah, I think they are missionaries - see here is their name on our missionary board on the back wall of the church." We want them to say "Morleys? They are working in Greece - let me tell you what God is doing there - just last week ....."

Our team mate Kenn sent an update about some of the men who were baptized at the recent camp. Kenn and a couple of guys from other ministries met with them to see how they were doing - he shared their testimonies which each began with:
"In the name of Jesus Christ I do not regret my decision". Even writing this brings tears to my eyes. I am always amazed and humbled that these people whose lives have been SO difficult and whose lives often become MORE difficult in many ways after they accept Jesus can say "I do NOT regret my decision". Here are a few excerpts from their testimonies: "Many who supported me before have cut me off. A cousin in Iran has stopped speaking to me.......I am encouraged when I am with you guys. Life is more difficult" "I had to move from the place I lived. I didn't have a place to live, only the park. I prayed and the next day I had a place to live with somebody." "I want to share my faith with my family. Pray for me, they might cut off their relations with me" There were several others but all had experienced some sort of shunning from others because of their decision. Please pray for these men and pray for our ministry and the other ministries involved in the camp (Hellenic Ministries and Oasis) as we join together to try and disciple these men and provide a support system for them.

We leave today for Portland and back to the rounds of doctor appointments. Please pray that we find some answers and not just more questions. The work in Greece continues and God is moving. God is also moving in our lives as we spend time here in the states. Thank you for your continual prayer and support. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #21


We leave this evening for WY. We have had a good week in WA visiting with "old" or perhaps I should say "long time" friends and making new ones. We have been staying with our good friends Don and Margaret Kennedy who we have been close to since our high school days when they were first the youth pastors at Kent's church and then mine. In fact it was through them that Kent and I first met. We have had three small group meetings as well as a couple of personal meetings with supporters while we were here. It is always good to share about what God is doing in Athens. He is always at work but lately He seems to have been particularly busy or at least we are seeing the results very clearly. (In my letter to supporters I could give more detail but in this public place I need to limit what I say so that I allow the people involved to share their faith when and with whom they are comfortable - thank you for understanding.)

We got a note from a friend this week that another dear woman friend of ours is being baptized. The women are still very afraid of the other refugee women finding out about their decision to be baptized because of the shunning that will result so when they want to let the team know that they are going to be baptized and invite them to attend they (use a code phrase). One of our team mates said she wasn't in the loop about this so when someone asked her if she wanted to come to a (code phrase) she said she would see if she had time. When she found out what was really happening she was thrilled and of course attended with joy.

We also got word that a friend who is in our community group who has been a believer for some time was baptized. (I have removed details about this young man so as to not endanger him) God is giving these people courage to step out even when it could be uncomfortable or even dangerous for them. Please continue to hold them up in prayer.

It has been good to have a week away from doctor's and tests, please keep praying with us that we will have some answers before we return to Greece. As always thank you so much for joining with us and with the Lord in this amazing work. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,

Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #20


First of all we have been hearing exciting news from Athens. We just finished the two camps that we do in cooperation with two other ministries in the area - Hellenic Ministries (who have a lovely camp facility) and Oasis. There was a week long camp for men and then a week long camp for families. These camps are always a highlight for our team and for refugees but this year several things happened to make them even more special.

At the family camp the children were taught for the first time from a discipleship tool developed by Samaritan's Purse called The Greatest Journey. Our team mate Donna put in many hours working to get this translated into Farsi. She writes "For me it was pure joy to see the children enjoying this colorful workbook, memorize Scripture verses and grasp an understanding of who Jesus is. Please pray that the lessons learned will continue to stir the hearts and minds of these children and their parents! God is at work in these precious ones!" At the end of the camp each of the children received a "Christmas" shoebox from Samaritans purse as well.

The truly exciting news is that after the men's camp 12 men were baptized and at the family camp a man and woman (not related) were baptized. At the end of this week two more women were baptized! This is SO exciting - especially for the women. We have had several women believers who have been afraid to be baptized because they haven't seen other women take this step and it is a very clear declaration of their faith which is extremely risky and scary for them. I believe that this will give other women the courage to step forward and we will see a rich harvest among the women in the coming weeks and months. Please pray for these new believers. Pray for protection and for peace and boldness in speaking out about their faith. Pray for family members who may have yet to come to faith. Pray that the many seeds planted at these camps will grow and bear fruit.

I had planned to give an update on my health situation but find I am tired of thinking about it and talking about it. Suffice to say I am up to 6 doctors now and they still don't have any definitive answers. I have appointments with three different doctors on Monday and Tuesday of next week and then we will head up to WA and on to WY. We will be back in Portland on the 10th of July when I will begin making the rounds of doctors again. It will be very nice to have a couple of weeks where we just don't have to think about this or travel back and forth to Portland (two hours each way) for appointments. Please pray that the doctors can find some answers and some solutions for the health issues I am facing.

Thank you all for your continual support and love. Though we are away from the work in Greece for the time we are glad to get a chance to share with many of you from our hearts. If you are in the WA area and would like to try and catch up with us between June 25 and July 2 please let me know. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #19


I wanted to get an update out to let you know we will be speaking at Willamina (near Salem) this Sunday June 19th if you are in the area. We will be sharing about the work during the Sunday School hour 9:30am and Kent will be preaching at church following that.

I have not written because most of our time has been spent in various doctors' offices and at the hospital getting tests. They are trying to find the reason behind my blood clotting problem. So far I have seen a GP, a Hematologist, and a Rheumatologist. I had 15 vials of blood drawn one day, 5 another and 7 another. I have had an MRI of my brain, a contrast CT of everything from the neck down, and 5 X-rays. I will see my GP again next week and as well as a cardiologist who may put a scope into my heart to look around. I also have 5 echo grams next week. The following week I will see the hematologist again and a neurologist. As you can see they are checking me out very well which is good but it means that we have had very little time to see friends or even family. Please pray that they will get to the bottom of things so I can feel comfortable that I am getting proper care when we return to Greece.

We have been able to speak at our home Church and a small group in Portland and are booked to speak almost every weekend through August and quite a few times during the week. We will be in the WA area June 26- July 3rd and still have some free nights if you are in the area and want to schedule us to share with a small group or whatever. We will travel to WY from WA and speak at a new supporting church in Alpine on July 7th. We will be back in Portland for a meeting on the 11th and speak at a reception for Willamette Christian Church on the afternoon of the 14th. If you live in any of these areas and want details let me know.

Next update I hope to have some stories to share from our two camps in Greece. The men's camp was the first week in June and I know several men were baptized but I don't have details yet. The family camp is just finishing up this weekend. These camps are always a highlight for the refugees and for our team as well. I am anxious to hear how they went and will pass along that information to you.

I will close now because I need to get some reports done for International Teams. We love you all and had hoped to spend more time during the week visiting but right now the medical stuff is taking quite a bit of that time. Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support - I cringe a bit every time they order another costly test because right now our insurance for the states pays 80% and we pay 20% I believe there is a cap of $3000 on that which I am sure we will hit. God has been gracious to provide for our every need however and he has done that through your willingness to share with us. Thank you SO much for your generosity.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #18


We have been so busy I have not found time to write my updates like I should. We finished up fixing the house in CA - new lights, mirror, patching the roof, repairing the eaves, repairing and painting a big planter on the side of the house, fixing nail holes, repainting, washing walls, fixing the shower and tub and on and on..... It was a big job and there were days I could hardly walk at the end of the day and even Kent was feeling pretty weary. We finished on the Sunday before Memorial Day and spent that day with our family. On the following morning we left for the two day drive to OR. We arrived here about noon on Wednesday. We visited with my folks and then moved into a friend's house in Veneta, they are away for the summer so are graciously letting us use their house. We moved in and spent the next morning cleaning and getting settled before spending the afternoon with my folks again as well as our daughter Katie. Yesterday we awoke to the horrible smell of something burning. We searched the house and finally determined that it was the water heater. When the electrician came it was all melted and burnt inside - it is a wonder it didn't start a fire. After opening windows and trying to air things out most of the smell is gone but we still have a fan running. We spent the day while waiting for the electrician washing down the porches, weeding the flower beds, edging the lawn and mowing. The place looks so much better! Our friends have a few maintenance projects for us while we are here so that will keep Kent busy.

Before we left CA we had a chance to share with a couple of small groups in the area about the ministry. We kick off our speaking engagements here tomorrow at Fern Ridge Christian Church (formerly Elmira Church of Christ) on Warthen Rd. We will be sharing at Sunday School 9:30am and Kent will be preaching at 10:45. There will be a potluck afterwards if you would like to join us. I will try to keep you updated on future speaking engagements.

The work continues in Greece. Our team just returned to work this week after their spring retreat. It was good for them to have some rest as they have been a bit shorthanded. They are gearing up for the summer camps coming up in June. I wanted to share a story that a friend wrote to me about our friend "Z" who has only been a Christian for less than a year.

"Yesterday at work a woman thanked me for everything we do for her. She said Christians are nothing like she was told and she can't believe how much we hug and kiss her children even when they are dirty. I told her not to thank me but to thank Jesus because He is the reason we do what we do. She asked why Jesus mattered. "Z" put up her hand to me and said, "Let me take over". She then shared the Gospel for twenty or so minutes and answered questions after that. It started out with three women, but ended with seven women, one of them coming over from another table because she wanted to listen. She did such a good job!"

It is so wonderful to have these new believers sharing with their peers. It is so much more effective than when we alone share. Please pray for the new believers especially the women as it is difficult to be bold about their faith when they have so much to lose. They risk being ostracized by the other women and even abused. It is also a risk for the men but sometimes they are more able to defend themselves.

We are enjoying our time in the states and are amazed that time is whizzing by so fast and we have been away for a month and a half already. We look forward to our speaking and teaching schedule and seeing our supporters. I will also have my first doctor appointment next week so pray that I can get in to see the appropriate specialists to look in to some of my health issues. Thank you for upholding us and the team in Greece. We love you all and look forward to seeing some of you soon.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
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International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #17


Just a quick update as Kent and I hit the ground in CA running and see no end until we leave for OR at the end of the month. After two weeks in MA we had a WONDERFUL time in Mexico with our children and our new son-in-law's family. We swam with turtles, snorkeled in caves, played in the surf, ate amazing food and reconnected with our family. The wedding was on the beach in the late afternoon and we had the reception dinner as the sun set over the sea. We danced in the sand and Kent and Becky's father/daughter dance was a sight to behold. It was lovely.

We left the day after the wedding and came to CA. We immediately jumped into preparing for Kent's dad and Lee's wedding as well as moving Kent's dad's things from the house he had been living in to their home together. The wedding was beautiful. It was at a small church and the pastor did a very nice job. Afterwards we had the reception at the recreation hall here at 7 Hills - the 55 and over community where they live. Lee's daughter and daughter-in-law put in a lot of time making decorations and we all helped put them up and take them down. They had a band which played some of the old dance tunes and it was so special to watch their dance together and see the love they share. It was another perfect day.

The next day was Mother's day and I woke up feeling headachy and very tired. I sent Kent off to early church and a brunch with the family and I stayed home. I slept in the big recliner most of the day and still went to bed early and slept soundly all night. I woke up feeling much better. I have cut back on one of my medications per the doctor's orders and this is causing my arthritis to flare which it always does for a time. I am especially having trouble with my left wrist and thumb and have been wearing a brace on it to in order to keep it stable. I would appreciate prayers that my body would adjust quickly.

We have spent this week clearing out the house and getting ready for a huge garage sale this weekend. Today we will spend almost all day pricing things. Kent and I own the house his father has been living in so once the garage sale is over we will move the rest of the stuff out and stay next door with Kent's sister for the last week. We have some final maintenance things to do in order to get the house ready to rent - touching up paint, repairing a shower, changing out a some light fixtures, fixing a few tiles on the roof etc. etc. That will definitely fill up our week before we leave for OR. Kent's sister and her husband who live next door will manage the house for us while we are away.

We knew our first month and a half would be taken up with things like this and we have enjoyed a break from thinking to much about ministry but we need to get back into the swing of things soon. We will have our first chance to speak next week and then when we get to OR we have a pretty full schedule. I'm not sure when the "rest" part of furlough will start. We do still have a few openings to speak so if you want us to speak at your church, small group or ?? please let up know so we can get you on the schedule. I will try to let you know where we will be speaking so if you are in the area and want to attend you will be welcome. Our first date in OR is June 2nd at Fern Ridge Christian Church (formerly Elmira Church of Christ) on Warthen Rd. in Elmira. We will be doing Sunday School at 9:30 where we will show slides of the ministry and talk about our schedule etc. Then during church (10:45) we will do a short video presentation and Kent will speak. If you can make it we'd love to see you.

Well my sister-in-law will be here soon and we need to head over to Dad and Lee's house to help them get things laid out there and then back here to price things. Please continue to pray for the team in Greece as they are a bit short handed. They have several things coming up in the next month in addition to our regular schedule - they are having a special believer's day, a volunteer appreciation night, and then at the end of the month our team retreat. In June the team will be participating with Hellinic Ministries and Oasis Ministry in the summer camps which are a highlight for both the staff and our refugee friends. Decisions for the Lord are often made during these camps when they have a chance to get away and have some extended teaching time. Please pray for lives to be touched.

Thank you for standing with us we look forward to seeing many of you soon.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
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International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #16


Quick update - We fly out in two days for Mexico and then will have no internet access until May 6th. We are having a wonderful time enjoying our family. One of the things that is hard about being away is not being here to enjoy holidays and family events. Yesterday was our Granddaughter Emma's 10th birthday. I was so happy to be able to make her cake and also make some party favors for her spa party today. I feel sad sometimes because on birthdays and Christmas I usually just send a gift card because I am not around to know what to buy for the kids. Since we are all going to Mexico Emma had mentioned that she wished she had her own suitcase and didn't have to share one with her brother Adam for the trip. Grampy and I bought her a little make up case and wrapped it up with a note inside telling her to look in the closet. When she opened the closet and saw the lavender roller bag we had bought for her she let out a big "YES!". She immediately wanted to go upstairs and start packing. It was a special moment for this Grammy. Another special moment was when the candles on her cake caught the "softball" sign on fire. She had requested a softball cake and I got the paper sign a little too close to the candles. Both Grandmas blew out the sign before she blew out her candles! It was a great day filled with family, food, fun and fire! See Pictures Attached

Well I am off to the girly spa party now - Grampy and Adam are going to the ice cream store instead.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #16

Everyone -

We are in the USA and enjoying time with our east coast family (two daughters, two grandkids, a son-in-law and future son-in-law and my sister). It has been a flurry of shopping for clothes for the wedding, swim suits for Mexico and dish shopping with my soon to be married second daughter. I haven't looked at Facebook once and only check my email every couple of days. In Mexico we will have no internet access so will be off the grid from April 30-May 6.

We left Greece in a flurry of Goodbyes. A couple of days before we left there was a going away party for Scott and Vicki McCracken who began the ministry in Athens as well as a celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Helping Hands. It was great to look back over the beginnings and all the things God has done through this ministry over the years. There are people scattered over the world who became Christians in Athens many of whom have started fellowships of their own. We also saw the effects on churches who were influenced by what Helping Hands is doing and have started feeding programs, shower ministries or shelters for the people in their area both in Greece and the US as well.

At the celebration two refugee men shared their testimonies of coming to faith in Athens. Later another young man came to Kent to tell him goodbye and said "Some day I will get up and tell about how you became my friend and invited me to a camp where I accepted the Lord." No wonder we love this job!

I have a busy day ahead and as I said I will be off the grid for the next week so don't be alarmed if you don't hear from me. We are thankful for this time to reconnect with our family and look forward to seeing the rest of our family and many of you over the next few weeks and months.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #15


It's hard to believe that in less than a week we will be leaving Greece for 6 months. The Lord has been gracious to provide for our needs. We were able to get our Greek and American taxes done, we are okay with our residence permit until we get back, we have paid our medical bills and I was able to get my medicine today that the pharmacist said there was little chance of getting. I have cleaned cupboards and closets to ready our house since we will have people living in it for all but a few weeks of the time we are gone. We have a place to stay while in OR and a car for that time. We have handed off most of our responsibilities in ministry. I have been working on and made good progress on our presentations for various speaking opportunities while we are home. We are filling our calendar with chances to share about the work.

Almost all that's left to do is packing and saying our goodbyes. And that's the hard part. On Friday we will hug our refugee friends knowing that we will likely never see some of them again. Many will leave during the six months we are away. Just this week two families that we have been close to are gone. One of them is Mustafa's family. I told you about him in a newsletter - he was the little boy who answered the question about what sin was by quoting what Kent had said in his Christmas sermon several weeks earlier. This week he did something that tugged at my heart. Often in class kids will hide crayons, or erasers, or pencil sharpeners etc. in their pockets because they want to take them home. We have tried to teach them that it is not okay to take things without asking but sometimes it seems like no one is listening. On Tuesday, Mustafa came up and handed "G" (the young Afghan man who helps teach) a broken crayon. He said, "I found this in my house and I knew it belonged here so I brought it back." I find that even as I write this tears well up in my eyes at this little boy's sweet, pure spirit. He and his younger sister have been here with their dad for some time while their mom went ahead. This week they are being reunited in Germany. Please pray that they will find other Christians who can continue to teach Mustafa and his family the truth about Jesus.

The second family that is leaving is "S" the young girl with cerebral palsy that became a Christian last year. As you may recall she is 12 years old and severally disabled but has a strong faith and is bold about speaking out for Jesus. This week she and her father and siblings will join her mom also in Germany. Please pray that there will be those in Germany who will water this little plant that is growing so bravely in such difficult circumstances.

A few weeks ago I wrote about a baby whose life was saved by the doctor at our doctor's day who found a heart problem. We were all very excited on Tuesday when the whole family including little "M" came. She has recovered well from her heart surgery and was all smiles as her mother showed her off to everyone. Pray for this family, their living situation is precarious because they only have one more month to stay in the hotel that is being paid for by the Greek Council for Refugees.

There was one other fun little moment this week. Tasha told us that one afternoon Kent was playing with a little boy at the ARC - if you know Kent he loves kids and they love him. Anyway Tasha said that the women saw him playing with this boy and said "Look the "BOSS" is playing with that boy". In their culture leaders are above others and glory in their positions. The concept of a "servant leader" is something very different so they are always amazed to see Kent rocking babies, playing with children, cleaning the floors or toilets and doing laundry. They are always watching us as a team, please pray that we are an example of God's love to them.

Well my next update will be written at my daughter's home in MA - we leave here on Tues. April 16. We are looking forward to some much needed rest and time with family as well as the many opportunities to talk about what God is doing in Athens. Our calendar is filling up but if you would like us to speak at your church, small group or ??? please let me know so I can plug you in to one of the spots we have left. We'll be seeing some of you soon.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #14

Everyone -

I was sad because I felt like I was missing Easter this year. When I knew that we would be coming to the US in mid April, I thought how fun it would be to have Easter with my family. To go to an American Easter service and to make Easter baskets and have an Easter Egg hunt with my Grandchildren followed by a big family Easter dinner. But then…… I realized that Western Easter came early this year and was on April 1st when we would still be in Greece.

“Oh well”, I thought, “I LOVE Orthodox Easter in Greece – having friends in and walking up to the church to attend the midnight service, the fireworks and church bells going off at midnight, walking home with my candle, hearing everyone exclaim Christos Anesti – Alithos Anesti” (Christ is risen – Truly He has risen). But then…… I realized that Eastern Easter is very late this year and will not be until May 5th when we will already be in the states.

I felt like the Grinch had somehow stolen my Easter. I thought of the disciples so long ago and how they must have felt. It seemed that Satan had stolen their Easter. I’m sure like the Grinch Satan was rejoicing in the sad faces and tears of the followers of Jesus. But then…… on Sunday the women made their way through the early morning light to visit the tomb.

I picture Satan on that Sunday morning long ago, like the Grinch wanting to hear the sorrowful sounds of mourning from those who loved Jesus. As he stood listening he heard the sounds of weeping and his heart soared. But then……he realized that these were tears of joy not sorrow and that the one he thought he had defeated by death was alive!

I picture Satan on THIS Sunday morning, reveling in my sadness because I was missing my Easter. But then….after being up most of the night with leg cramps and having set our clock ahead one hour, I dragged myself out of bed at 5:30am to make my way up to the cobblestone path that winds through the Olive trees to the top of Philopappou Hill. I was tired, I had a headache and I’m sure Satan thought he had won.

But then……

“So he paused, and Satan put a hand to his ear.

And he did hear a sound rising out of the crowd,

it started out small,

then it shouted aloud!

But the sound wasn’t sad!

Why, this sound sounded glad!

For the Christians in Athens, the tall and the small

Were singing! Without any chocolate at all!

He HADN’T stopped Easter from coming! IT CAME!

Somehow or other, it came just the same!

It came without baskets, it came without tags,

It came without bunnies or candy or eggs!

And he puzzled and puzzled, till his puzzler was sore.

Then Satan thought of something he hadn’t before!
“Maybe Easter,” he thought, “doesn’t come from a store.

Maybe Easter… perhaps…. means a little bit more.”

As the sun rose over the Acropolis, and I heard the songs and prayers in many languages I realized I hadn’t missed Easter after all. It came – Christos Anesti – Alithos Anesti!

My prayer is that no matter what you are going through, you have experienced the resurrection this year. I pray that you can say joyfully with us together – Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #13


It's Thursday evening here and I just realized I hadn't written my update which I usually do Thursday morning. Kent is on a conference call. He has a couple of these a month with some other people who are in leadership in IT and are doing a leadership class together. They have homework and then meet together via the computer. It's been good for him but it is a big commitment of time in addition to his other leadership responsibilities and ministry schedule. I spent my day working on a power point presentation for when we are home. I have put in many hours on it already and today was hoping to just add the sound and be done. However after many frustrating hours I found that Power Point is not equipped to do what I want, which is to have the sound volume controlled on individual slides with music and voice overs. This means I am now trying to decide whether to just start over in a different program or try to import what I have already done and make adjustments. I am not very tech savvy so it can be a real challenge.

We started our new schedule this week and so far it is going well. Kent really enjoyed the men's day. Instead of 130 guys they are having 20 guys for a meal and Bible Study afterwards. He said it was so nice to feel like he had time to really connect with the guys rather than just working in the kitchen or running around trying to see that everyone is taken care of.

We have had a family (husband, wife and three kids) staying with us this week. They are from Finland but have been working in Afghanistan the last 4 years. We have been communicating with them about the possibility of joining our team and they came to see the work in person and to get to know us and for us to get to know them. They are a great family and we have really enjoyed them. The jumped right in to ministry and have been very impressed with what they have seen. At this point it looks like they will be joining the team near the end of August. Because they are EU citizens they won't have to worry about going through the Visa process which is a BIG plus. They are going to live in our house while they look for a place and may or may not still be in it when we return in October. They go back to Afghanistan tomorrow to finish out their term and will spend the summer in Finland. We look forward to their return!

On Saturdays during tea house Kent has been doing laundry for some of the fathers who are here with their kids but whose wives have gone on to other countries to try and get asylum. He said this week when he gave one of the dads his clothes, the man asked "V" our refugee friend who does a lot of translating for us to help him talk to Kent. Through "V" he told Kent that he wanted him to know how much it meant to him and how much he appreciated Kent doing his laundry for him. He said that it made him want to listen to the messages about Jesus more because he could see that Kent really was different and really cared about him. Later "V" was saying to Kent "This really is so important. Many people talk like they are wonderful Christians but they don't treat people any better than non Christians do." He said "These people are watching to see if this really makes a difference in your life."

I can't believe it is less than three weeks until we leave for the USA. We are beginning to get a few things checked off of our "to do" list but it seems like as soon as I check something off something comes up that we need to add. I know it will all get done but it would be nice to see the list shrinking a little more. I finally bought our tickets this week - we leave Greece on April 16th and return on October 16th. Our calendar of speaking engagements is shaping up but we still have openings if you would like to have us speak at your church, small group or ??? We are looking forward to a couple of class reunions and seeing some "old" friends as well as spending time with our families. I have some doctor appointments scheduled and we both plan to keep up with some of our ministry responsibilities while we are away so we should be able to stay busy. We look forward to reconnecting with many of you as well. Thank you once again for all you do to support us.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
To join our Support Team:
Online go to: select: US, Select: What do you want to do, Select: Give
Or Send to:
International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
Please designate for the ministry of Kent and Myrna Morley and indicate whether this is a one time gift or monthly support. Thanks :)