Thursday, September 16, 2010

Morley Update 2010 #38

Everyone -

For anyone who might have noticed this update is late but I am trying to figure out when I write my updates with the new schedule. Tuesday used to be a personal ministry day for women and that is when I wrote. Now our Farsi outreach is that day. Friday is now personal ministry day for women but today I have to go to our storage facility and help sort toys. I will try to do better next week but most likely will be sending out the updates on Friday/Saturday.

We have had our first week with the new schedule and are still tweaking it a bit. Our work week is now Tuesday through Saturday with Sunday church and Monday off.

Tuesdays we do a Farsi outreach. We meet at the ARC early to prepare food and open our doors at 12:00.The doors stay open for 1/2 hour or until we reach 120 people which ever comes first. At 12:30 we start our program. This includes singing christian songs in Farsi, sometimes drama or puppets, and preaching by Nader (our Iranian team mate) in Farsi. We may also at times use other speakers with Nader translating. After the program we serve a meal and and have a seekers class for those interested in hearing more. Right now we are attempting to closed and cleaned up by 3:00 in order to be ready for a refugee women's bible study at 3:30. There have been about 12-15 women coming to this study led by different women on the team with Sahar (an Iranian friend) translating.

Wednesday is team day. We have meetings in the morning 2 days a month, training one day a month, and prayer day one day a month. Two evening a month we have Team Fellowship. We also do give away days like clothing, sleeping bags, school supplies etc in the afternoons on some days.

Thursday is women showers. We take about 10 families. This means 10 women and about 25-30 kids. They spend the day at the ARC taking turns in the shower, sharing a meal, and doing activities. This is a personal ministry day for men. (personal ministry days are for meeting individually with refugees, preparing lessons, writing to supporters, studying language etc.)

Friday is Men's Showers. Women have personal ministry this day.

Saturday is Tea House. We arrive early to prepare and open the door at 12:00 we serve tea and have a children's activity room and a baby room. We close at 4:00.

It has been very busy lately. We are seeing many new families. Often they are living in the parks because they have not yet found shelter. It has been personally busy for me because we have a young woman staying with us for 11 days who is here on a Vision Trip. (to see if she wants to apply to come full time). This week we also welcomed three other young women who will be here for 3 months serving with us. Kent and I spent the day Thursday getting them settled in their apartment. One of these women, Jessie Lipp is from one of our our supporting churches. Thanks New Hope for helping to send her!

I realize this letter is long on information and a bit short on personal stories but let me just tell you about last Saturday at the ARC. Before tea house we prayed for the "Harvest" we prayed that God would show us "Low Hanging Fruit" ready to be picked. Here is an excerpt from my team mate Brett's blog on one of the things that happened that day.

Within ten minutes of our doors opening, a young Afghan man began speaking to me in Farsi. I don’t speak Farsi, but understood two words: Jesus Christ. At the same time, he was opening his hands as if to make a book. I called over my teammate Susie (whose Farsi skills far surpass my own), and the three of us walked together to where we had some Bibles and tracts on display. Susie translated for us as this young Afghan (“M”) asked about following Jesus: “Do you have an injil (New Testament)?” “Do you believe it is possible for someone to change religions?” “Do you have classes about the Bible?” The harvest is plentiful! Later in the afternoon, “M” returned with three friends who also took New Testaments and asked when we would be having a Bible class. Please pray for “M” and his three friends. Our communication was limited, and I don’t know their hearts… but I do know that the harvest is the Lord’s!

As we drove home that afternoon we began to talk about our day. The more we talked the more we realized that almost everyone on the team had a spiritual discussion with someone that day. Please continue to pray with us for the Harvest. God is at work in Athens and you are a part of that. Thank you

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625

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International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
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