Thursday, May 26, 2011

Morley Update 2011 #14


Language. One of the definitions I found is: "a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings". It's something I never thought too much about but it is never far from our minds here. We get used to communicating with people using a combination of English, Greek, Farsi and Charades. Kent often uses silverware to make a cross or a bridge as he explains the gospel. I have learned quite a few random Farsi words which I manage to mangle, sometimes to the great amusement of my listeners. Kent and I have both become adept at rolling our eyes upward, lifting our chin and making a "tsk" sound with our tongue signifying "No" in Greek and "No" or "I don't want that" in Farsi. Sometimes when I sit down with a woman, as happened on Tuesday, I long to be able to speak with her freely. But once we get past the greetings we are stuck, even though we sometimes go on talking, each in our own language, speaking slowly and a little louder as if that were the problem with understanding.

I am jealous of the children. Many of the kids we see regularly, not only speak their native Farsi but have also picked up English and Greek. It seems so effortless for

them. Even "Z"s three year old twins understand and speak both some English as well as Farsi. I am determined to be more disciplined in my Greek. We now have Greek team mates, Ritsa and Michalis. They are a wonderful addition to our team, and true servants. Ritsa has agreed to tutor me on Tuesdays after our Family Meal Day. Pray that I will retain what I have already learned and progress quickly. Also please pray that Ritsa and Michalis will be able to raise the rest of their support in order to keep serving with us.

At the retreat this last week we spent two mornings talking about another type of language. Kent and I taught four sessions on a book by Gary Chapman called The Five Languages of Love. In it he explains that we each have a way that we receive and communicate love which has the most meaning to us. But just as my Farsi speaking friends and I can talk all day with the best of intentions, both communicating our thoughts in the way we understand, so we can think we are showing love to another person only to find we are communicating in a language that has little or no meaning to them. The five love languages are: Touch, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Quality Time and Gifts. Although ALL of these are usually appreciated by most people, there will be one of them that speaks love to a person more clearly than any of the others. Learning the other person's love language is especially important in a marriage but it can also be very helpful in a team setting. We spent time together sharing and adding another "tool" to our "relationship toolbox". Hopefully we will use what we learned to better communicate the love and respect we have for one another.

We drove home on Monday from the retreat, a five hour drive. It seemed like we were all dragging a bit at Family Meal Day on Tuesday. Several people, including myself, had not even unpacked their suitcases yet. Wednesday we went in for team meeting and then I came home and unpacked and started the laundry. Our niece Tammy was back with us when we got home Monday, but I took her to the airport bus yesterday morning as she heads back to the states. I got the guest room bed changed and the room ready for our next guests. We have two Moody bible students (both girls) coming to stay for 6 weeks. Emily arrives on Tuesday of next week and Lauren comes the week after that. We have a busy summer ahead. Pray for the team's encouragement, strength and endurance. My arthritis is some better but still not where I would like it to be. As always we thank you for your faithful support and love toward us. You are always in our hearts as we do this work together. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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