Thursday, June 23, 2011

Morley Update 2011 #18


Last night was a night of celebration. My house was filled with team members (21 of us)for a team fellowship. We spend an hour sharing the ways we had seen God work at the two summer camps we participated in.

Kenn shared that at the men's camp during one of the discussion times a man raised his hand and said "You are all beating around the bush asking all kinds of questions but my question is: What do I need to do to follow Jesus?"

Tasha told of a family who came to family camp. This is a large family and frankly kindof trouble makers. True to form they were at the center of arguments and disagreements at the camp and they were disruptive in the discussion groups. The last day there was a change. They began to ask questions that were well thought out and seemed sincere. One of them spoke for the whole family and apologized for things they had done that had been disruptive or hurtful. Their whole demeanor underwent a change. Please pray for this family that they continue down this path.

This same family has a son who was in the children's program. He is not a bad boy but he has been constantly told by his family that he is a mistake and not wanted. Because of this he acts out and can be very hard to control. The children's leaders said that when they knew he would be at camp they were somewhat dismayed and wondered how it would go. However, God had a plan. We have a intern with us right now who told us when she came that she really wasn't too comfortable with children and would rather not serve in that area. Guess who's heart God filled with love for this little boy? Nicola took him on as her special friend. Like a plant that's been left in the sun too long, this little boy was so thirsty for love. Nicola gently watered his little soul. She sat with him, gave him loving touches and chased him and brought him giggling back when he ran away She was Jesus to this little child and she showed him how precious and loved he really is.

My team mate Susie lead the singing at camp where they sang worship songs in Farsi. She said one day she saw a woman rocking her baby and singing one of the songs as a lullaby. Another team mate told how the men at family camp didn't join in during the singing(maybe it was not considered manly) but that during one of the kids songs which is fun and filled with actions, she noticed one man really following along. At one point he was so caught up in it that he started to raise his hands like the kids were doing and then caught himself and quickly put them back down and looked around to see if anyone noticed.

At the end of camp several refugees shared their stories and quite a few people indicated that they wanted to learn more about Jesus. Our Saturday Bible class after tea house is growing. Last week at least one new family who had been at camp was there and several new men have joined as well. Pray with us that God will open eyes to His truth.

Our interns, Emily and Lauren shared about an English class they have started for young women. The first week several younger brothers and sisters came along so they gave them coloring pages to do during the class. This week Heather (who will be joining our team full time next year) went along. She intended to just play with the children but they said no they wanted a class too. So instead of coloring she began teaching them the alphabet and numbers. She said she was amazed that after an hour they were still engaged and wanting to learn. As always these classes are as much about developing relationships as they are about teaching English.

Along with the joys we shared some sorrows too. Shep (Heather's fiancee who will also be joining the team next year following their marriage) is doing a Bible Study and spending time with "H" a young Afghan man who recently became a Christian. He said that "H" is very discouraged right now and sees no way out of his circumstances. He has no work and cannot go to school. He has tried to leave the country several times but has always been caught and sent back. He is losing hope of a better life. This is the situation for so many here - no homes, no jobs, no education for the children. Please continue to pray for the many people caught in this quagmire of disappointment and discouragement. Sometimes it seems like we can do so little to help.

I have been asking you to pray for our team leader and his family following his father-in-laws recent stroke. Brett and Kristin are home in the US right now and were able to say goodbye before Kristin's father went home to be with the Lord earlier this week. Please pray for the family as they deal with their loss and have a memorial service this Friday.

Our dear partners in this work, I want to close with Hebrews 13:20-21 "May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant, brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen"

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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