Thursday, February 9, 2012

Morley Update 2012 #5


After a good week in MA with family (two of our children, our grandchildren and my sister) I am back home in Greece. It was nice to see our daughter and son-in-law's new house and to help my daughter cover her dining room chairs. I enjoyed doing crafts with my grandkids and spending a girls night at my sister's home with two of my daughters and my granddaughter. My quest to find an out of service provider to buy my medicine from and thus get my deductible covered was unsuccessful. I found out that in MA you can only get Enbrel by mail order which is automatically covered at 80% and doesn't apply to my deductible. I then spent hours on the phone trying to find a non preferred provider in New Hampshire or Rhode Island. I thought I had found one once and was giving him my information. I told him we lived in Greece but the address on my insurance is International Teams Headquarters so it is an Illinois address. He said, "So let me get this straight, you live in Greece, you are in Massachusetts and you are from Illinois." I said "Actually, I'm from Oregon but my address for my insurance is Illinois". He then asked for the information for the pharmacy that was holding my prescription so he could contact them. I said "Okay, they are in Omaha, Nebraska" He started laughing and said "Am I on Candid Camera?!" After all this we found out he WAS on the preferred provider list so they would not apply any of the cost to my deductible if I got the medicine from him either. SO I can get my medicine here and will have to pay the $2500 deductible but after that it will be covered at 100% which I am very thankful to have.

The weather in MA was sunny and pretty warm while Athens suffered a cold snap and even got some snow while I was away. I came home to rain, wind and cold. I am thankful that I did my laundry before I came home since I would have to hang it inside to dry in this weather. Hopefully we will go back to our sunny skies soon. I have a couple of days at home before I hit the ground running which I am thankful for since I am feeling a bit jet lagged today. Friday night we have community group and then on Saturday I have a long day. I have to be there an hour and a half early to do orientation for a large team from France. Then we have tea house and Seekers Bible Study after that. Kent survived the week at home well and even hosted a team fellowship while I was gone. I am glad to be back and look forward to getting back into my regular routine. Thanks for all the prayers for my travels.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
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