Thursday, September 6, 2012

Morley Update 2012 #31

Everyone -
We arrived home in Greece on Tuesday morning. We had only slept an hour or two on the plane so were tired. We unpacked and Kent took a nap for a couple of hours - I tried to nap but was plagued by leg cramps all day - even my usual cures of drinking pedialite, eating mustard and sipping vinegar did not help. When Kent got up he ran a few errands while I did laundry and caught up on emails for Short Term Teams. We managed to stay up until 9:30 and then fell into bed. I was up several times with leg cramps but actually managed to rest pretty well.

We got up and Kent had a meeting with Christy who has been acting as team leader while he was gone. She did a great job and things are going well. In the afternoon we had a team meeting and then team fellowship. Kent and I both managed well and didn't go to bed until 10 that night. We both slept fairly well so I think we will avoid any major jet lag.

At team meeting we learned that due to police sweeps several of our refugee friends are in jail - in fact our phone rang as I was writing this and we received news that another good friend was in jail. Besides those in jail there are several families and individuals that we have had relationships with that have moved on to other countries. One of them "J" did a lot of translating for us. We are glad he is out of Greece but we will miss his smile and his help. This is the nature of our work - we always know there will be many goodbyes and we are always aware of the danger for our friends that they will be arrested or attacked in these days of unrest. Please continue to pray for the country of Greece as hard decisions are coming up due to the economic crisis and racial tensions are on the rise.

Today is liaki day so I will get my shopping done and Kent will catch up with paperwork and planning for team retreat which is coming up. We enjoyed our time home with family and I am feeling well and recovered from my gall bladder surgery. We look forward to getting back into the swing of things here and continuing on with the work God has called us to. Thank you for your support and care for us - we love you all.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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International Teams
411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
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