Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #11

Everyone -
Well after not feeling too well for about a week after coming home from the hospital, I feel like I am back. On Saturday I got up and just felt like my energy was flowing back into me and I have been busy and felt quite well for the last four days. Thank you to all who have been praying for me. My vision still goes out occasionally but just for a few minutes. I have an appointment to see the vascular doctor tomorrow and then in two week we will have a meeting with all my doctors to make some decisions about my medications - pray for wisdom for me and the doctors.

I went to work yesterday and received many warm greetings. One big surprise was to see Mr. Ali come walking in. You may not remember but he is a wonderful older Sundanese man who we met when we came to Athens the first time 7 years ago. He has been in many Bible Studies with Scott and is quite an intellectual but has not made any kind of commitment. After many years here he left over a year ago to go to England where his son is and try for asylum there. I asked what he was doing back and he said that he applied for asylum based on the fact that it is not safe for immigrants in Greece especially black people. He was attacked once when he was living here before. He said they told him that they knew this was the general climate in Greece but that he needed proof that he was personally attacked so he is in Greece trying to get some kind of police report that he can show. Who knows if this is even possible or how long it will take. After Mr. Ali gave me a hug, he said "What is this I have been hearing about you being sick. You look great - is this just a story." He kept teasing me about it until I showed him the big bruises still on my arm from my IVs.

It was good to be back in the kids room. Our story was on Jonah and "G" read the story to them from a series of Bible story books we have been able to obtain in Farsi. They are very well done and though I couldn't understand it the kids kept giggling and laughing and were very engaged. Afterwards during the question and answer time they were very accurate in their answers. I talked to them a little about how if we didn't know the story we would say that getting swallowed by a fish was a bad thing but that God used it to save Jonah's life. I told them that sometimes things that we think are bad are God's way of doing something good in our lives.

Kent preached yesterday with our good friend "V" translating. He spoke on Nicodemus coming in secret to Jesus found in John 3. He told the people that he respected that fact that they came to hear about Jesus even though they might be afraid what others would say or think. He told them that Jesus knew exactly what Nicodemus needed to hear because he could see Nicodemus' heart. He asked them to think about if they met Jesus right now what would they say to him. Then he asked them what they thought Jesus would say to them. Tasha told Kent later that several of the women were crying after he spoke and she asked them if they wanted to talk but they said not yet. Seeds were planted - pray with us for them to grow.

We are still busily trying to get things ready to be away for six months - it is hard to believe we will be leaving in only a month. We are going to speak to the man at the visa office tomorrow to see what we can do about reapplying for our residence permit. We still have not received it for this year (we have our temporary one) and it expires in June. Last year we didn't receive it until September after it had already expired in June. We were told we couldn't reapply until the permanent one came so we need to find out what we can do if it doesn't come before we leave. We don't want to let it expire because Greece seems to be denying many people who are well qualified and we don't want to take that risk besides having to go through all the hassles of starting over again. Please pray with us that it will come and that we can reapply or that we can find another solution. Once again we will be in southern CA the month of May and in OR/WA from June through early September. We may also make a trip to WY during that time. We plan to be in Chicago for a short time in September and back in MA by the end of September. If you live in one of these areas and would like to have us speak at your church or small group please let us know so we can get you on our calendar.

As always thank you SO much for your faithful support. God has been good to us and he has used many of you to provide for our every need. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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