Thursday, November 29, 2012

Morley Update 2012 #42


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Monday of this week we had planned to take some friends down the coast to see Sounio but they called in the morning to say that she was sick. That meant we had that rare commodity of a free day. We decided to do our Christmas decorating. Now for some that doesn't seem like a day's work but when you take into account that we have five big tubs of Christmas decorations plus a couple of boxes you can see why we need a day. We both enjoy decorating and I especially like opening my nativities (I have 11 of them). Our tree is decorated with ornaments that Kent and I made together - hand painted balls, tassel angels and gold and silver bows. Our tree has always been decorated with items we made ourselves but a few years ago when all the kids were out of our house I made them take all the tacky styrofoam, clay, felt and paper ornaments and decided I was going to have my dream tree. We still hang Frosty and Chrystal on the tree and the Santa mobile Katie made in the 4th grade hangs in our entryway. Kent has the styrofoam Caroler and Snowman we made the first year we were married (almost 40 years ago) on his desk. He is more sentimental than I am. When we finished the house was beautiful. I got out my Christmas music and played the keyboard and the only thing missing was our family.

Yesterday was a day of decorating again as the team gathered to Deck the ARC and get ready for our Christmas parties next week. We put up our 6 Christmas trees, hung stars and snowflakes from the ceiling, made a backdrop for family pictures and put up wreaths and lights galore. We practiced singing our Christmas song in Farsi and set up tables ready for gift packing on Monday. We will have 5 parties next week. Four of them are for people from our meal days and waiting list. One of them is a believers party for those who have come to faith in Jesus. Please pray for the team as we enter this hectic time - there is a nasty cold/flu making the rounds so pray that we all stay healthy. Also pray for the puppet presentation - Here is a short synopsis of the story: Joseph and Mary went on a long journey and were very tired - you (our refugee friends) have been on a long journey too. When Mary and Joseph got to where they were going they couldn't find a place to stay - many of you arrived here and couldn't find a place. Maybe you even slept outside. Mary and Joseph stayed in a stable and Jesus didn't even have a bed but slept in the cow trough - some of you are worried about how to provide for your children. Then an angel came and told Joseph that a bad king wanted to kill all the little boys and that he should take Mary and Jesus and flee to another country until the bad king died - Jesus was a refugee. Jesus knows what it is like to leave your home, to travel a long way, to not have a house, and to live in another country because your own country is not safe. He loves you very much. Christmas time is a time to remember when Jesus came down from heaven as a baby. This is a powerful message for these people who have been through so much.

After the puppet show Kent will be sharing an object lesson. He will have a gift box and talk about how Jesus is God's gift to us. Then he will open the box and take out a candle - Jesus is the light of the world. Bread - Jesus is the bread of life. Water - Jesus is the living water. He will talk briefly about what each of these things means to us. Pray that the message will be received and understood.

For each of the refugee parties a local church is coming to help. They are providing the food, decorations and helping to serve and clean up. Pray for these churches that God will bless them for their generosity and that those who come to help will have their eyes opened in a new way toward refugees.

As always we are thankful for our larger team of supporters. This last week we had a team from Omaha NE who came to serve. They were such a blessing to us. They truly had servant's hearts and no matter what we asked them to do they did it cheerfully and well. The church they come from is called Glad Tidings and I think it is so fun that they have chosen to come help us each of the last three years at Christmas.

As you prepare for the Christmas season I pray you have time midst the busyness to think about what God's gift of Jesus means to you. I also pray that you will be sensitive to those around you who are walking in the darkness and searching for the light. I pray that you're eyes will be opened to those who are hungry spiritually and you will offer them the bread of life. I pray that you will see those who are trying in vain to quench their thirst with what this world has to offer and that you will share the living water with them and they will be satisfied. We love you all.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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411 W. River Rd.
Elgin IL 60123
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