Thursday, January 17, 2013

Morley Update 2013 #3


Last Friday when I woke up it had been raining. The house was a little cold so Kent built a fire before he left for Men's Meal and Gospel Outreach at the ARC. I sat near the fire, which seemed a little smokier than usual, working on some paperwork and catching up on emails etc. As I poked up the fire a bit to try and get it to stop smoking I was reminded of a character in the allegory Mountains of Spices. Her name is Mrs. Dismal Forebodings and she huddles inside all day next to her smoky little fire never venturing out for fear some catastrophe might befall her. Later in the day I had to go out to walk to the store and pharmacy so I got my little cart and headed out. I was a bit surprised to find it was a lovely day out. Walking along with the sun shining down on me I soon warmed up and the whole world looked brighter. I was reminded again of Mrs. Dismal Foreboding and how after she put on the "garment of praise" given to her by the Shepherd she was later transformed into Mrs. Thanksgiving. How often do we huddle by our little smokey fires fueled by our fears, worries and discontentment when just by beginning to praise the Lord for the good things in our lives our whole outlook can change. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Last Saturday was Kent's 60th birthday. When he left to go to the ARC in the morning he said he wasn't feeling very well. Kent is NOT a complainer so if he even mentions that he is not feeling well I assume he is getting sick. Sure enough he called in the middle of the day to say that he was coming home because he was feeling worse. He came home and spent the rest of his birthday in bed feeling shivery and having an upset stomach. He said "I guess when you hit 60 you just fall apart!" Luckily I planned his party for the day after his birthday and on Sunday night about 30 friends gathered to play silly games, eat cake and celebrate with us. Kent has used his first 60 years well - being a wonderful husband, father and leader in the church back home and now on the field. Though I believe he is now officially "over the hill" I look forward to spending many more birthdays together and seeing how God will work through him and in him in these next years.

After getting sick last Tuesday from being overly chilled at the unheated ARC I came prepared this Tuesday. I wore my long johns and a wool sweater. I thought I might have over compensated but I was just comfortable all day. I think of our many refugee friends living in buildings with no heat at all and don't know how they do it. A couple of weeks ago I shared with you about a little boy who came up with some profound spiritual truth in the kids room. This week I have another story. We were teaching on creation and Donna was talking about how God SPOKE and things were created. So God's WORD is very powerful. When we read God's Word it can change us. She then asked "Why is it good to read God's Word?" A little guy in the front raised his hand and said "It's good to read it because you give us chocolates if we do." I love the honesty! I thought about this later and wondered "Do I read the Word just for the 'chocolates'?" Do I pick out the things I like in the Bible and discard the things I don't? Am I happy to listen to the blessings but reject the instruction? God wants to use his Word to CHANGE me not just to please me.

Tuesday morning as we met as a team for prayer and job assignments. Kallie mentioned that "M" and her husband "V" would be having their baby soon. This is a Christian refugee couple who are a great help to us. "V" is an excellent translator and a leader among the believers. Kallie said that they were saying they didn't have much for the baby - they have one other child but she is about 10 years old. Kallie said "Don't worry we will help." So at the meeting she said "I would like for the women to get together and give "M" a shower before the baby comes. Could we all meet at my house on Monday?" We all agreed. Later in the day "G" the young man who helps out in the kids room and who's English is improving daily said to me. "What were the women talking about doing for "M"?" I smiled and said "Give her a shower." He looked puzzled and then said "I THOUGHT that is what you said but I thought I must have heard wrong." I laughed and explained to him the we would "shower" her with gifts. Oh the funny things that come up when you are trying to learn a language! At one of the Christmas parties I sat down next to a pastor who speaks Greek and some English. I though I would use my Greek so I said "Eisai korismenos?" thinking I was asking if he were tired. He looked at me rather strangely so I said in English "Are you tired?" He laughed and said "Oh kourasmenos"... you asked me if I was divorced! Ah well, I tried!

I have a request - Kent and I got Iphones last year and since the older phones are less money we got the iphone 3gs. Recently we wanted to add facetime to our phones so that we could talk with our kids when we are out and about. Because of the time change it is hard to be home when we know they are free. However we found that the facetime app is not available for the 3gs only the 4gs and newer. SO if you upgraded your phone this year to the iphone 5 and have a 4gs that you would be willing to sell for a very reasonable price could you let us know. We will be coming to the states in mid April so would most likely just have you mail it to our daughter's home in MA which will be our first stop. We can have a friend who manages our US checking account mail you a check for the price and shipping. Let us know.

Thank you as always for your prayers and support - we have a busy week ahead and cannot do it without you! We love you all.

Serving Him Together,
Kent and Myrna Morley
Tripoleos 76
Elliniko 16777
Athens Greece
011 30 210 96 38 625
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